F6 查找我的钥匙查找器

Makes Finding Easy

F6 FindMy Key Finder F6 FindMy Key Finder

F6 FindMy Key Finder is designed to work with Apple’s Find My Network, which provides a simple and secure way to locate items. F6 Smart Finder that supports Bluetooth® LE 5.0 can be paired with the Find My application on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, ETC。, and users can see where their items are in real time. 除了, users have access to applications including the sound reminder, lost mode, and location sharing.

  • 适用于 Apple 查找我的
  • Location Sharing & Global Searching
  • Items Location & Privacy Protection
  • Lost Mode & Notify When Left Behind
  • Portable Design & Personal Customization

With a little help from billions of Find My Network devices, find everything!

How Find My Network and F6 Smart Finder work
Lost Mode

Lost Mode

Lost your items with the F6 smart finder attached? Take it easy! F6 Smart Finder can be put into Lost Mode as Apple devices do. You’ll get notified of the location when the finder is detected by a device in the network.

Sound Reminder

Sound Reminder

F6 Smart Finder features a buzzer of up to 90 分贝, allowing you to play a sound while searching for a targeted item in the Find My app. All you have to do is follow the sound, and you get it.



No more worries about misplacing things! With the F6 Smart Finder attached, find your itemslocation on the Find My app, easier than ever!



F6 Smart Finder Specifications dimensions
* 用于精确测量, 请参考实物.
材料 ABS
颜色 White(By default)
重量 20 G
电池 1 CR电池, 230 毫安时
电池寿命 1 年或以上 (默认情况下)
按钮 是的
引领 红色的 & 蓝色的
蜂鸣器 90 分贝
芯片 nRF52系列
蓝牙版本 蓝牙® LE 5.0
广播距离 50 米 (开放区域)
Default application Find My App
工作温度 -20℃~60℃


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