We are so proud to announce that among thousands of loT products, Minew’ 低功耗蓝牙 & WIFI Gateway was honored the “Golden Prize” of Innovation product by the Internet of Things Exhibition (物联网)2018 7月31日 深圳会展中心.


The co-founders Mr. Long awarded on behalf of Minew team (the first one counted from the left)

蓝牙智能网关由Minew团队自主研发. 它是低功耗蓝牙 (低功耗蓝牙) 用于监控 BLE 设备信号的 Wi-Fi 连接网关,无需使用智能手机或应用程序, 从 iBeacon 收集数据, 涡流石, BLE 传感器和其他 BLE 设备, 然后通过HTTP发送到本地服务器或远程云服务器 / MQTT / 姆贝德 (手臂) Wi-Fi 协议 / 以太网 / Cellular. 后续版本Gateway还将实现与BLE设备的连接. 本产品为科幻款,顶部有彩色灯环. 可以通过贴纸或螺纹固定. 获得这个奖项对我们来说是莫大的荣幸和鼓励.


Minew will stick to our vision of “interneting every object”, 专注于R&致力于物联网领域的创新,为客户提供更具竞争力的产品和服务.

下一个: Minew BLE module got the EN50498:2010 认证
上一篇: Minew Award Ceremony of the 2nd Sales Performance Competition
