
  • 一般问题

  • 蓝牙信标

  • 资产标签

  • 物联网网关

  • 人员标签

  • 中继器

  • 传感器

  • 问题
  • 您的预计交货时间是多长?

    Minew 拥有全球客户群,我们向全球大多数国家发货. The actual delivery time is subjective to the client's location. 我们提供多种运输方式以满足您的时间限制.
  • Minew如何保证其质量控制?

    Minew's product assurance is guaranteed by our premium services: 我们自有R&D队, 质量工程, 工厂生产, 等等. Minew's resources and control over every corner of the supply chain ensure only the best quality products will be shipped to our clients. 查看 https://www.minew.com/our-serivces/
  • Do you test your devices before shipment & delivery?

    米纽严格遵守相关行业法规. 我们的监管合规服务确保 100% 合规测试和授权认证. 查看 https://www.minew.com/our-serivces/#regulatory-compliance
  • 米纽有什么特别之处?

    Minew是创新者和制造商, 专注于物联网硬件解决方案和许多其他增值服务. 我们的价值主张与集成先进的物联网技术相一致 (例如, 蓝牙, 洛拉万, LTE-M, 4G, 5G, 和窄带物联网) 拥有高质量的物联网设备.
  • 为什么选择米纽而不是其他?

    您应该选择Minew,因为Minew是经验丰富的物联网硬件提供商. 公司拥有近二十年的行业专业知识和良好的商业信誉, 无论是国内还是国际. 查看 https://www.minew.com/about-us/
  • What is Minew’s main market offering?

    我们提供一整套经过认证且精心制作的物联网硬件, 范围从 BLE 传感器标签, to Bluetooth gateways, AoA 位置定位标签, 人员标签, 资产追踪器, 等等.
  • Is Minew a trading company specialized in imports & exports or an IoT hardware manufacturer?

    与中间人不同, Minew是提供物联网设备和硬件解决方案的创新者和制造商 (例如. 入门套件). 我们有自己的R&D团队和强大的制造能力, 帮助我们的客户实现端到端生产. 查看 https://www.minew.com/about-us/
  • Do you have an interface for connecting devices and data transmitted by Minew’s beacons?

  • E7可以拆电池支持外接电源吗?

    只需焊接自己的电线并用外部电源更换电池即可, 或者如果您需要批量运输,让我们为您定制.
  • What’s the best way to install a beacon to have the strongest signal and broadcasting range?

    如果安装高度小于 2 米, the orientation of the three directions doesn't matter much. 如果安装高度超过三米, 天线应放置在下方,信号更强.
  • MBM01超远程信标的建议部署方式有哪些?

    The beacon's signal broadcast waveform is heart-shaped, 意味着天线两侧的强度都是最佳的. 所以, 首先放置天线并将两侧放置在过道中以获得最佳信号. 笔记: 如果陈列室中有多个信标, 你可以: 1. 调整广播强度,缩短距离. 2. 使用 RSSI 过滤信号强度.
  • 我可以将 ACC 传感器添加到 MTB02 纸质电池资产标签吗?

    是的, 有扩展插件的预留空间.
  • 如果某些标签保持关闭状态一段时间,对电池寿命有何影响 6 开机前几个月?

    根据产品测试, 不开机时平均能耗很低. 储存产品用于 6 在合适的条件下放置几个月对其寿命无显着影响.
  • Can Minew’s asset tags identify whether the asset is stacked?

    如果只需要判断资产是否堆叠, 视频/图像传感器可能很有用.
  • MTB02纸电池资产标签的工作电压范围是多少? 不广播时最低电压是多少?

  • Does the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway support HTTP/MQTT network protocols?

    The G1 gateway supports both MQTT and HTTP network protocols, allowing you to choose as needed.
  • Why does the data received through the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway seem delayed?

    The G1 gateway uploads Beacon's broadcast data every second by default, which may be perceived as a "delay." You can reduce the upload interval on the configuration page.
  • Does the MG3 Mini USB Gateway or MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway support data pre-parsing?

    MG3 or MG4 gateway does not support data pre-parsing. For this feature, please consider using the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway.
  • Does MG3 Mini USB Gateway or MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway support duplicate data filtering?

    MG3 or MG4 gateway does not support duplicate data filtering. For this feature, please consider using the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway.
  • Why is G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway unable to receive reported data after successfully connecting to the Azure IoT hub?

    Azure IoT Hub has a D2C data packet size limit. Please check here to see if your service is affected and adjust the G1 gateway packet size accordingly to meet platform requirements.
  • Does MG3 Mini USB Gateway support the wireless security protocol (802.1x RADIUS enterprise authentication)?

    MG3 gateway currently does not support 802.1x RADIUS authentication, but it can support four EAP methods depending on the hardware: EAP-TLS, PEAP, EAP-TTLS, and EAP-FAST. The G1 IoT Bluetooth® Gateway supports 802.1x RADIUS authentication.
  • 在G2中, 是否可以确定并访问到达角 (迎角) 使用 C 或 Python 脚本的数据包?

    The gateway uploads received Bluetooth data to the server, either from a Bluetooth connection or broadcast packets, 客户可以选择如何从服务器检索这些数据.
  • 重新通电后, 是否需要每次按下MG5侧面的按钮才能使MG5与MQTT服务器通信?

    The MG5's current firmware requires manual power-on after depletion and reconnection to an external power source. 预计很快就会有自动启动和重启功能.
  • MG5如何实现离线数据存储?

    MG5内置GNSS定位等信息源, 温度, 和电池电量, 全部存储在内部. 如果网络断开或未到上传时间, BLE 扫描结果也被存储. 存储空间大约可以容纳 50,000 条目; 一旦满了, 最旧的数据被丢弃,为新数据腾出空间.
  • Does G1 IoT Bluetooth gateway support connecting to LTE router’s WiFi?

    G1网关可以通过LTE便携式WiFi连接到热点, 需要身份验证的除外. 对于未经验证的 WiFi, 确保您按照正确的步骤连接到网关.
  • Does the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway support WiFi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax)?

    G1最高支持WiFi 4 并且不支持WiFi 6. 然而, 大多数路由器向后兼容, 这样我们的网关就可以连接到 WiFi 6 routers but won't achieve WiFi 6 速度.
  • Can customers program the unit of Minew’s IoT gateway?

    Minew's IoT gateway supports firmware programming ports. 有关特定版本的更多信息, 联系我们的工程师.
  • MWB01动态标签如何实现人员管理?

    MWB01 Dynamic Tag achieves personnel management and indoor positioning by leveraging built-in NFC function and Bluetooth LE tracking technology. 此外, MWB01 是便携式的, 轻的, 并支持各种可穿戴选项.
  • MWC02超薄定位卡的预期使用寿命是多少?

    MWC02超薄定位卡支持2年以上使用寿命. 应对各种应用场景, MWC02还升级了IP67防水能力.
  • C10卡信标的预计广播范围是多少?

    C10 卡信标支持蓝牙® 5.0 广播传输范围100米, 特别适用于室内环境, 例如医院和工作场所.
  • 如何开启B7按键腕带的睡眠模式?

    启用后 "触发设置" 并完成 ACC 设置, 客户可以关闭 "普通广播". 这将使帧仅在触发 ACC 时广播可配置的时间段,并在未触发时停止. 除了, 无需更新固件.
  • Can the MBT02 Asset Bluetooth Repeater be modified so that only acceleration can trigger scanning?

    是的, 可以修改. 目前的MBT02板子预留了加速度传感器; 只需要固件适配.
  • 没有Minew网关的PC上是否可以接收并解析MSR01数据?

    PC无法直接扫描信标的广播数据, 但可以使用外部Nordic DK工具或下载PC版NRF Connect进行扫描和接收.
  • MSR01的雷达信号会对人体造成伤害吗?

    雷达以安全的 60GHz 频率运行, 对人类不会造成伤害. 雷达系统, 包括工作频率为 60GHz 的, 旨在确保在既定的人体暴露限度内的安全.
  • MSR01毫米波雷达传感器依靠什么来识别人或物体?

    它利用人类识别特征, 这也可能延伸到动物, 但有金属的潜在雷达干扰. 当有人流时,高度检测设置可以过滤掉此类干扰. 无需附加标签即可检测物体, 该算法自动区分人类和其他物体.
  • How is your S4 Bluetooth 5.0 门传感器可与磁铁交互. 干簧管或磁传感器?

    当磁铁靠近电路时, it signals a 'closed' state; 当磁铁移开时, it signals an 'open' state.
  • What is the sensitivity of the Bluetooth 5.0 门磁? 是否可调节?

    现在, S4 的最大感应距离为 2.5 cm,不支持通过编程调节灵敏度. 理论上, 调整磁铁的大小和强度可以改变感应距离.
  • What is the maximum distance between the two parts that S4 Bluetooth 5.0 门磁可以检测到?

    基于之前的硬件测试, S4机身可以在最大触发距离大约为 25 毫米. 在实际测试中, 它可靠地检测到壳间距约为 1-2 厘米. 使用更大更强的磁铁理论上可以进一步延长最大触发距离.
  • MST01显示屏的防水等级是多少?

    是的, 根据设计规范组装和密封时,IP65防水等级适用于传感器本体及其组件.

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