IoT Starter Kits

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它是如何运作的 - MWC01 Badge Repeater And MBT02 Asset Repeater

Minew’s ble repeater support multiple application scenarios

Cost-effective Indoor Positioning Solutions

The repeater solution reduces the deployment of Bluetooth gateways significantly, making it a cost-effective way for indoor location. Lower costs, and efficient, real-time asset tracking offer operational savings and flexibility in various industries.

Cost-effective Indoor Positioning Solutions

Solutions for Improved Asset Security

MBT02's anti-tamper switch and real-time tracking improve asset security. Receive immediate notifications for illegal access or removal, providing complete security and reducing the risk of asset loss.

Solutions for Improved Asset Security

People Management with Accuracy

With the MWC01's Bluetooth location and emergency response functions, you can implement accurate staff management. Improve workplace safety and productivity by correctly detecting positions, allowing for quick replies in emergency circumstances.

People Management with Accuracy

Video Of BLE Repeater



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