
Improve workplace transparency and efficiency with the starter kit

IoT Starter Kit MOS For Smart Office

Office and Workplace IoT Starter Kit is a Bluetooth® IoT Developer Kit, highly recommended for smart workplace and office environment optimization. It is created convincingly by equipping the workplace with an interconnected IoT Starter Kit MOS that leverages Bluetooth® technologies and IoT devices for accurate indoor environment monitoring, employee and work asset management, and workspace utilization.


How do you implement Smart Office and Workplace IoT Starter Kit as quickly as possible? That's it - Bluetooth® IoT Developer Starter Kit

步 1. One-time installation and activation of your Smart Office and Work Place IoT Starter Kit.
步 2. Install BLE sensors, 物聯網網關, 資產追蹤器, 人員標籤, and indoor AoA location beacons in the offices or buildings.
步 3. Minew wearable IoT devices attached to employees, target objects, and the general environment.
步 4. Real-time location tracking and environmental sensing data monitoring.
步 5. Data sent to the cloud for processing and managing.
Start Designing Your Smart Office Solution with Minew IoT Starter Kit - MOS

Start Designing Your Smart Office Solution with Minew IoT Starter Kit - MOS

The kit is designed for the quick development of your wireless IoT application and seamless integration of a wide range of Bluetooth® IoT devices especially in work places. For everyone who has purchased Minew starter kits or beacon products (those with protocol public), TagCloud is free for demonstration and test which serves as a virtual assistant in patient movement monitoring, emergency responding, 設備管理, ETC.

  • Rechargeable IoT Gateway
  • Indoor Location Tracking and Positioning Wearables
  • BLE Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • Passive Infrared Sensor
  • 藍牙® 5.0 門磁
  • Anti-tamper Asset Tags
標籤雲 2.0 for Demonstration and Testing.

標籤雲 2.0 for Demonstration and Testing.

The platform integrates the functions of data collection and demonstration, gateway monitoring, Bluetooth devices management and open source, facilitating centralized management of IoT devices.
You can expect more from Minew TagCloud.

  • Free for demonstration and testing. (非商業用途)
  • Managing devices in batch
  • Easy to start up accessibly
  • Freely available open interface
  • 數據即時穩定監控
  • Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, IBM IoT Cloud Supported

Transform Your Workspace into Smart Office

Environment Management
Environment Management

• Temperature and humidity monitoring

• Detect physical changes in the environment

Workplace Utilization
Workplace Utilization

• Space planning and optimization

• Place positioning and monitoring


• Work items tracking

• Equipment monitoring

Employee Management
Employee Management

• Task assignment

• Work coordination

• Employee clock in and out

Door/Window Monitoring
Door/Window Monitoring

• Detect the opening and closing of door/window

• Improve reliability and security


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