MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章

MWC01-Bluetooth®-Rechargeable-Badge MWC01 Bluetooth® Rechargeable Badge

MWC01 Rechargeable Badge is available in two versions to fulfill the needs of industries: MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章 (AoA Ver.) and MWC01 Rechargeable Bluetooth Badge, both of which support RFID and respectively use Bluetooth® LE 5.1 和 5.0 為了 people management. Recharging is made simple with the magnetic charging port. 除了, it has an external button and a vibration motor that are helpful to the visually impaired and can be used for first assistance or to report the wearer’s status.

MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章

  • 智慧型磁吸充電
  • User-friendly vibration motor
  • 多個 RFID 頻率
  • Wearable & credit-card sized design
  • IP67 dust & water resistance
  • 492 英尺 (150 米) broadcast distance
MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章

MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章 (AoA Ver.)

  • 智慧型磁吸充電
  • AoA positioning sub-meter accuracy
  • 多個 RFID 頻率
  • IP67 dust & water resistance
  • User-friendly vibration motor
  • Wearable & credit-card sized design
MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章 (AoA Ver.)
The help button fits any situation

The help button fits any situation

• Patients and medical professionals call for assistance.
• Tap it for your work needs. Get your workflow improved.
• An SOS button for lone workers, preventing risk.

Portable, positionable, simplified

Portable, positionable, simplified

• Check in, check out. Everything becomes convenient.
• Access control keeps work in order.
• Where your staff is, and when left, shown in every detail.

Smart badges made for people

Smart badges made for people

• Responsive notification of regulated spaces and geofencing.
• Employees and visitors are tracked for work purposes.
• Identification of people in time for movement monitoring.

Smart Magnetic Charging

Smart Magnetic Charging

This feature simplifies the charging process, offering the conve-
nience of magnetic connection. 除了, it enhances waterproofing
by protecting the connection part from exposure outside; it reduces
wear and tear as well, as there’s no need for frequent plugging and
unplugging, all of which streamlines power management, making
it crucial for effective people management in various environments.


MWC01 Bluetooth® Rechargeable Badge dimensions
* 用於精確測量, 請參考實物.
模型 MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章 (AoA Ver.) MWC01 藍牙® 可充電徽章
顏色 白色的
重量 20 克
Ingress protection IP67級
電池 1 rechargeable battery, 320 毫安培時 1 rechargeable battery, 270 毫安培時
電池壽命 最多 8 月 最多 3 月
Charging time 關於 2 h
感應器 加速度計
按鈕 1 external button
震動馬達 是的
射頻識別 LF/HF/UHF (選修的)
線上旅行社 支援
Configuration app 射頻連接 信標SET+
藍牙版本 藍牙® LE 5.1 藍牙® LE 5.0


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