MG4 充電式物聯網網關

MG4 Smart Rechargeable Gateway MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway
MG4 Smart Rechargeable Gateway

MG4 充電式物聯網網關 is a rechargeable Bluetooth® WiFi gateway that can be used for data collection and monitoring of Blueooth® LE 裝置. MG4 carries a replaceable battery, operating without a power cord, and it comes along with an embedded ESP32 microchip, supporting WiFi and Bluetooth 連接性. It sends data via WiFi in JSON format and saves data on board when the network is interrupted. MG4 can assist with asset management人事管理 to optimize operations, increase efficiency, and lower costs.

  • Data saving even without a network
  • 安裝靈活
  • 2,000 mAh rechargeable battery
  • High throughput & data filterable
  • Broad compatibility & security ensured
  • 2.4GHz Wi-Fi & BLE 5.0 組合


MG4 gateway deployment, Bluetooth signal scanning, data upload, server processing
Internal storage for data saving even if the network is not active

Internal storage for data saving even if the network is not active

When the network goes down, data can be stored in the MG4 gateway’s internal storage. Data loss due to network issues is prevented by the gateway’s ability to reconnect to the network even when it is offline and store up to 1,080 records of data.

Wide compatibility and high security

Wide compatibility and high security

Users can upload data to the cloud or local servers via the MQTT/HTTP protocol by using the MG4, which is compatible with a variety of Bluetooth devices. 另外, the SSL/TCP security protocol is optional for MQTT.

A rechargeable backup battery can run without a power outlet

A rechargeable backup battery can run without a power outlet

To guarantee reliable data transfer, the MG4 has a power cord connector and a rechargeable 2,000 mAh battery with a 12-hour life. This capability allows MG4 to endure the majority of power outages.

Filterable data and high throughput

Filterable data and high throughput

A maximum of 100 data packets per second can be gathered and uploaded by the gateway. To gain enhanced management of data flow and more precise data reception for various scenarios, users can configure data filtration, scanning intervals, and uploading intervals.


Smart venue
Smart office
Smart healthcare
Smart building


Specifications-mg4 dimensions
* 用於精確測量, 請參考實物.
材料 ABS
顏色 白色的
重量 118 克 (with a bracket)
Internet connection 無線上網
工作溫度 -20 ~ 55℃
Firmware upgrade 線上旅行社, LAN upgrade
藍牙版本 藍牙® LE 5.0
藍牙 LE SoC ESP32


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