i9 硬幣標籤

i9 Coin Bluetooth Tag i9 Coin Tag
i9 Coin Tag is suitable for indoor location

i9 硬幣標籤, developed by Minew, is a cost-effective and low-power Bluetooth beacon. Compact and thin, it is nearly coin-sized, making it easy to slip into your pocket or attach to assets. With smooth surfaces on both sides, it ensures convenience and ease of use. The i9 features a replaceable button battery, allowing for multiple uses. 非常適合 展覽, concerts, 倉庫, and other settings, the i9 is perfect for efficiently locating and managing large numbers of people or assets.

  • 性價比高
  • 80 公尺廣播距離
  • 可更換電池
  • Slim design


The i9 is cost-effective, thin, and compact, making it perfect for attachment to exhibition signs and distribution to visitors along with exhibition materials. When paired with a Bluetooth gateway, the i9 can monitor the flow of people in these settings. This combination of the i9 and relevant technology enables efficient flow monitoring and precise location tracking, improving overall efficiency and facilitating intelligent data collection and statistics.



Use double-sided adhesive to stick i9 on the assets for tracking. It can be widely utilized in different industries, preventing assets loss, getting a real-time location for more efficient management.

Events promotion

Events promotion

Another typical highlight of i9 is for assisting events promotion, especially in the retail and exhibition. Specific information can be pushed to the visitorsand customersmobile phones with software development and user permission, offering an effective way to events promotion.


i9 Coin Tag Specifications dimensions
* 用於精確測量, 請參考實物.
規格 細節
顏色 白色的 (default) / 黑色的
重量 3.9 克
電池 CR系列電池, 85 毫安培時
電池壽命 4 月 (Default configuration)
線上旅行社 Not supported
App 信標集 & 信標SET+
藍牙版本 藍牙® LE 4.2
廣播範圍 最多 80 米 (開放區域)
工作溫度 -20℃~60℃


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