2021 was challenging. The world continued to be hit hard by the pandemic, the Delta variant proved overwhelming resulting in strict lockdowns, production was interrupted, and supply chains were disrupted. Many industries were running out of chips due to the global semiconductor shortage and we were faced with a price increase of raw materials. We grew a lot this year, and can’t wait to continue our growth next year. Our hope is to have more face-to-face communications in 2022. With that, we would like to review 2021 with you to see where we’ve been and where we’re going!

Some of Our Exciting Highlights in 2021

·Joined the FiRa Consortium as an Adopter Member

On July 30, 2021, Minew joined the FiRa Consortium as an adopter member to show the commitment to help expand the UWB ecosystem by integrating UWB technology meeting agreed-to specifications into products. FiRa 聯盟是一個成員驅動的組織,專注於可互通 UWB 設備的安全精細測距和定位功能. 加入 FiRa 聯盟, Minew定位於堅持組織努力建立UWB設備生態系統. Minew 帶來了無線設備領域的廣泛專業知識, 準備在未來的創新中拓展基於UWB的業務.

·Established Firm Partnership With Nordic As Nordic’s Design Partner

ompany to be selected, Minew was honored to partner closely with Nordic in July. This is a critical step of Nordic’s newly-published “Nordic Partnership Program” (NPP) that runs to “drive the adoption of wireless technology and help Nordic’s customers to bring their products to market faster”. As Nordic’s design partner, Minew plans to synergize with other design and solution companies of wireless products all the way from programming to creating an ecosystem based on wireless technology.

·B10 Emergency Button and C10 Card Beacon received 2021 物聯網卓越獎

米紐的 B10 緊急按鈕C10卡片信標 have received a 2021 物聯網卓越獎. This award honors innovative products that support the availability of information being deduced, inferred, and directly gathered from sensors, systems, and anything else that is supporting better business and personal decisions. This was presented by TMC and Crossfire Media in December 2021.

loT Platforms Leadership Award

·Live Events and New Releases Enable Customers With a Whole View of Minew

We’ve carried out 7 Live Events in 2021, enabling customers to get a full picture view of our new breakthroughs and latest innovations. These innovations we introduced are as follows: our B8 Plus Social Distancing Wristband, the AoA G2 Gateway Starter Kit, the P1 Plus Robust Location Beacon, the B10 Wristband, the MWL01 迎角信標, 還有更多. All of these were to meet different requirements of our customers. Much to our satisfaction, Prevention Projects of COVID-19 (最多 20 carried out by Minew) have greatly helped to delay the COVID-19 outbreak, which is not only a superb honor for us but a responsibility to society!

·Minew Sales, Market Share, & Team Have Grown Rapidly and Strongly

With the endless efforts of the expanding Minew team, strategic partnerships built with our clients, and adhering to the innovative development, our sales and market share have grown rapidly and strongly in 2021. We clearly saw that 2021 would not stop there for us! We were lucky enough to gain new team members that will join our mission to deliver diversified products in the new field and provide professional services to our amazing clients. As we head into 2022, we are fortunate to have a strong, highly skilled team to lead us into more successful product development and gain more market share.

·A Fresh Look to Minew’s Official Website and Store

We designed a fresh, new look to our official website and store. We did this to enhance the customers’ browsing experience and to elaborately control every fine detail. We believe this further reflects our extreme emphasis placed in the details of user experience upgrades.

These are certainly not the only upgrades and highlights we’ve had, as we have had many highlights in the past, and will definitely have more highlights in the futurecreated by you and Minew!

Support From of Our Customers

We received quantities of supports letters from our valued customers, which makes us so moved when thoughtfully tasting the words. Sharing some praises to Minew with you is what we’d love to do at this happy time.Appreciation more than words.

We received numerous letters of support from our valued customers this year! We are grateful and honored to provide exceptional service to our customers. Here is what some of them had to say!

“Thank you! Again, we are impressed with your responsiveness and efforts, and it is greatly appreciated!” written by Endre.

“Minew has been absolutely great in every way. Your customer service and attention to detail have been critical to our success.” written by Arun.

It’s hard to express our gratefulness towards our customers, but from the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to say,

“Thank you for your business, your trust, and your confidence. Thank you for your warm company all the time. 在 2022, we’ll still keep committing to continuous innovation oriented towards serving across all industries for win-win. “

Heading Into a Prosperous 2022 and Beyond!

在 2021, with a significantly higher vaccination rate, the global economy is gradually recovering from the huge impact of the COVID-19 virus. The Omicron variant will prove more challenging and the chip shortage is still complicated going into 2022. Nevertheless, a more challenging and complicated environment in the market will present more opportunities for growth, particularly in the IoT industry. Businesses will need to evolve, diversify, and look to reduce costs to ensure growth. 除此之外, people look to favor quality companies with sound fundamentals, strong pricing power, and well-established franchises. Minew’s development and deployment in the IoT field will be more flexible and precise.

Minew Ecosystem for win-win – For the next year, Minew will maintain a strong connection with clients while building a network of partners with the goal of helping you accelerate your IoT solutions time-to-market. This would be done in relation to Minew’s portfolio while creating new market opportunities via co-marketing.

New Products – We never stopped! Looking to the future, Minew will have more smart and surprising products awaiting you in Data Transfer Units, Low Power Cellular IoT, and Wireless Sensor Networks. 請關注!

Room for Growth – With a strong recovery in used sales volume in 2021, we see there is still much room for growth in 2022 with new attempts and breakthroughs in new areas.

We hope our new products and services in 2022 will help your business maximize potential cost savings and minimize potential risks as the epidemic continues to rise and supply chains remain under pressure well into the coming year. We believe fundamentally strong companies will stand out in 2022 and of course, we at Minew will try our best to gain something positive together with you.

下一個: MINEW MS46SF11 & MS50SFB Bluetooth® 5.0 Modules Achieve BQB and KC Certifications Respectively
上一篇: 米紐的 2021 in Review and Outlook for 2022
