Shenzhen Minew Technologies Co., Ltd are proud to announce that we have recently become ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, 和 OHSAS 18001:2007 certified. These certifications guarantees that our management system is set to the highest standards via approved and documented processes.

Being an ISO certified company entails measuring and monitoring our production process and output according to stringent quality criteria, and then defining and implementing process improvements as needed. At the same time through the OHSAS certification, it helped to improve our employee’s safety awareness and make them knew to prevent risks in production and operation activities.

By getting these certificates, Minew feels that this helps with our strategic direction and allows us to grow even more. Minew also feels that the certificates will also help open the door to business for us to win more partners. We want to say this would never have been accomplished without the commitment of management, and the hard work of everyone inside the company.

Some benefits for us of these three certifications:

ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System)
Reduce pollution and waste discharge, maintain an ecological environment
Reduce energy and material consumption
Prevent environmental accidents


ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)
Enhance the stability of quality management and ensure the consistency of product quality
Optimize the quality costs, reduce the quality losses, and improve the economic efficiency
Standardize internal management of the company, enhance the quality awareness of employees, improve the company’s operational efficiency and overall performance


OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System)

Help the company to promote the implementation of occupational health and safety regulations and systems
Make the company’s occupational health and safety management from passive mandatory behavior to active voluntary behavior, improve occupational health and safety management level
Reduce economic losses caused by work-related accidents and occupational diseases and the negative impacts


下一個: Minew announces new website launch
上一篇: Happy Chinese New Year 2019 from Minew!
