如何使用 c2 Bluetooth® USB dongle 開發和測試 nrf52 系列無線解決方案

地雷 四月. 30. 2024

    C2 is a Bluetooth USB dongle based on nRF52840 IC matching with the nRF Connect for Desktop to develop and test the nRF52 series based wireless solution.

    How to use C2 to collecting the RSSI parameter and Scan the BLE device?

    First of all, pls download the latest version of nRF connect for Desktop.
    After the installation, pls click ‘add/remove apps’ to install the application- ‘ Bluetooth Low energy’ & ‘RSSI Viewer’. 然後, click ‘Launch’, to see the application can work.


    在那之後, plunge C2 into USB interface of PC, Click ‘Select device ’ to select the dongle device.
    We should say ‘Yes’ to confirm the firmware programming. If we are programming Bluetooth low energy, we can scan the BLE devices and get their parameter. If we are programming RSSI Viewer firmware, we can get the RSSI parameter of BLE devices.

    例如, after the program have loaded, the value of RSSI in different frequency can be tested.


    Are you would like to test the nRF52840 dongle along with Minew nRF52840 module to develop and test nRF based wireless solutions ?

    nRF52840 modules and dongle are waiting for you.

    nRF52840 modules dongle C2-4
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