
S2 Light Bluetooth Sensor Tag S2 Light Sensor Tag
S2 Light Sensor for warehouses

S2光傳感器標籤藍牙® LE 5.0 can enable asset management & tracking in museums, 倉庫 or other industries. 也, with the ultrasonic assembling technology, the housing quality is also guaranteed.

  • IP65 waterproof
  • Light sensor inside
  • 藍牙® LE 5.0
  • 最大. 50 米廣告距離
  • Ultrasonic assembling technology
Asset management & tracking

Asset management & tracking

With the precise and real-time location, S2 allows asset management and tracking in various places, such as museums, 辦事處, 倉庫, 以及更多. Integrated with third-party software and platform, S2 helps the user to save much time and effort to locate their wanted items, improving working efficiency and preventing asset losses.


S2 Light Sensor Specifications dimensions
* 用于精確測量, 請參考實物.
Specification Details
尺寸 52.6×23.7×5.3mm
重量 7.0g
材料 ABS
設備固件 iBeacon燈塔 & 埃迪斯通 (違約), 網孔 (自選), 防篡改, OTA嘅 (自選)
防水 IP65防護等級
電池 CR系列鈕釦電池, 220麻雀
電池壽命 1 年
Built-in Sensor Light sensor
藍牙版本 藍牙® LE 5.0
Bluetooth chipset Nordic nRF52 series
Transmission Range 50m


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