S1 BLE溫濕度傳感器

S1 Temperature Humidity Sensor S1 BLE Temperature and Humidity Sensor

S1 BLE溫濕度傳感器 without E-screen based on Bluetooth® LE 5.0. It provides up to 2.5 years of life and up to 200 history records to help users realize data tracking and monitoring with high accuracy. It is an ideal option for cold chain monitoring, 倉庫 & storage monitoring, or greenhouse monitoring, 等.

  • 藍牙® LE 5.0
  • 可更換電池
  • IP66 Waterproof & Dustproof
  • Long Peripheral Probe
  • High-accuracy Sensor Included


Cloud-based Temperature Humidity Sensor workflow
Industrial monitoring

Industrial monitoring

Precise industrial temperature monitoring for a wide range of manufacturing processes and industries, such as the automotive industry, plastics industry, life science industry, 同其他. Implementing S1, the manufacturers can increase production yield and quality with flexibility for greater control over quality and costs. This reliable sensor can bring about more benefits.

Civil monitoring

Civil monitoring

The sensor is also available for temperature monitoring in civil environments, such as supermarkets or homes. S1 provides precise and real-time temperature data, allowing users to monitor their environments effectively. If the temperature is out of suitable range, the uses can take action for better life and assets management.

Cold chain logistics

Cold chain logistics

S1 is positively impacting the supply chain, more specifically, the cold chain. compared to traditional temperature monitoring, which has serious verification and reliability flaws, internet-enabled temperature monitors can monitor goods 24/7/365. S1 enables the ongoing monitoring and fast alerts and can support predictive maintenance that ensures perfect transportation.

Environmental protection & metering

Environmental protection & metering

S1 can be configured in a specific area to monitor gas temperature and air relative humidity in real-time. Paired with the software developer’s monitoring system software, the information of vegetable greenhouse climate issues, soil layer conditions, crop growth and development, fertilizer application, and equipment operation can be monitored and displayed in real-time.


S1 Temperature Humidity Sensor Specifications dimensions
* 用于精確測量, 請參考實物.
重量 37.5 g
材料 ABS
設備固件 iBeacon燈塔 & 埃迪斯通 (違約)
網孔 (自選)
OTA嘅 (自選)
防水 IP66防護等級
廣播範圍 100 m
電池 Lithium iron phosphate battery
Built-in sensor Temperature & Humidity


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