MWC01 Badge Bluetooth® Repeater and MBT02 Asset Bluetooth® Repeater

Upgrade Your Asset and People Management.

MWC01 Badge Repeater and MBT02 Asset Repeater MWC01 Badge Bluetooth® Repeater and MBT02 Asset Bluetooth® Repeater

MRepeater integration, MWC01徽章藍牙®直放站MBT02資產藍牙®直坐站. MWC01 performs accurate personnel management, with high accuracy and emergency response abilities.


The MBT02 is Minew’s innovative mobile asset repeater performing asset tracking with efficiency. It is embedded with a low-power Bluetooth® chip for reliable broadcasting and scanning. 此外, MBT02 offers two scanning modes: periodic and movement-triggered. The repeater detects nearby Bluetooth® beacons, filters and broadcasts the strongest signal to the gateway, enhancing the performance of asset tracking and usage monitoring. It reduces costs associated with Bluetooth® gateways and maintenance requirements, thanks to its lightweight design and snap button for easy attachment and detachment of alarms.


Both MWC01 and MBT02 are cutting-edge ideal hardware solutions for personnel and asset management, contributing to enhanced operational efficiency and security in hospitals, buildings, 倉庫, and many other heavily IoT-oriented industries.


  • High positioning accuracy
  • Vibration feedback
  • Smart magnetic charging
  • IP67 dust & water resistance
  • Multiple RFID frequencies


  • Two bluetooth® scanning options
  • Disassembly alerts reminding
  • 3 years service life
  • 批量設備管理
  • Flexible deployment
  • Lightweight design

The MBT02 supports two modes: movement-triggered scanning and periodic scanning.

Movement-triggered scanning: refers to when the MBT02 detects the movement of assets, it will immediately initiate Bluetooth® scanning. This mode is quite suitable and useful in terms of tracking infrequently moving assets that do not require frequent reporting of their usage status or location, such as large heavy equipment in warehouses.
Periodic scanning: means that the MBT02 will automatically activate the scanning function at specified intervals to scan nearby Bluetooth® beacons. This mode solves the location tracking problems of assets that require more frequent reporting of their usage status and location, such as medical carts and mobile hospital beds in hospitals.


Repeaters How it works

loT Gateway & Cloud Server

The gateway uploads the data to the cloud server. The cloud server analyzes and processes the data to achieve asset and people management functions.


The repeaters collect the Bluetooth signals broadcast by the beacons and then forward the data to the gateway.


Beacons are reasonably pasted to walls or pillars. Beacons broadcast Bluetooth signals in real-time.

mbt02 How it works

Once Asset Repeater connected to the app or gateway platform and then disconnected while in the configurable state, it will automatically trigger a scan (based on the default scanning mode). Administrators can remotely initiate a scan by sending commands to the MBT02 via the Minew Tagcloud 3.0 platform, enabling them to receive the latest broadcast information and track the asset’s location and status.

Medical Asset Management

Medical Asset Management

Ideal for medical asset management, MBT02 can be attached to equipment like tool carts, oxygen tanks, and beds. In periodic scanning mode, it continuously scans nearby beacons as assets move between departments or wards. This real-time tracking and monitoring of asset usage, duration, and location, significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of managing medical equipment in hospitals.

Warehouse Asset Movement Monitoring

Warehouse Asset Movement Monitoring

The MBT02 is often used in large warehouses and factories, storing infrequently used assets. In movement scanning mode, it triggers Bluetooth® scanning as soon as the asset moves and stops. This feature provides real-time tracking of asset usage and movement patterns, enabling administrators with clear insights and enhanced transparency to optimize warehouse management and ensure asset security.

Cost-effective Indoor Positioning Solutions

Cost-effective Indoor Positioning Solutions

The repeater solution reduces the deployment of Bluetooth gateways significantly, making it a cost-effective way for indoor location. Lower costs, and efficient, real-time asset tracking offer operational savings and flexibility in various industries.

Solutions for Improved Asset Security

Solutions for Improved Asset Security

MBT02’s anti-tamper switch and real-time tracking improve asset security. Receive immediate notifications for illegal access or removal, providing complete security and reducing the risk of asset loss.

People Management with Accuracy

People Management with Accuracy

With the MWC01’s Bluetooth location and emergency response functions, you can implement accurate staff management. Improve workplace safety and productivity by correctly detecting positions, allowing for quick replies in emergency circumstances.


Industrial Workspaces
Office Environments
Warehouse Asset Tracking


* 用于精確測量, 請參考實物.
MWC01徽章中繼器 MBT02資產藍牙®直坐站
重量 19 g 17 g
保護 IP67防護等級 /
電池 1 rechargeable battery, 290 麻雀 鈕釦電池, 500 麻雀
Battery Life One charge – 16 days
(Active time < 8 小時)
3 年 (默認設置)
傳感器 加速度計 加速度計
Vibration Motor /
搭載了LED 1 RGB燈
無線射頻識別 LF/ HF/ UHF optional /
配置應用程序 MRepeater (Android supported) MRepeater (Android supported)


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