
Accelerate smart venue transformation with the starter kit

Smart Venues IoT Starter Kit MVS

IoT Starter Kit highly recommended for Museum and Art Gallery, accelerates the venue intelligent transformation of achieving better management and meeting users’ customized needs. It includes everything you need, 如 BLE sensors for environmental sensing data monitoring, 藍牙信標 for indoor positioning, and IoT gateway supporting the latest Bluetooth® Low-energy (樂) 連接, all in Minew’s starter kit.


How do you implement IoT Starter Kit for Museum and Art Gallery as quickly as possible? That's it!

步 1. One-time installation & activation of your IoT Starter Kit for Museum and Art Gallery.

步 2. Minew BLE tags and Bluetooth beacons attached to the objects and distributed in indoor venues.

步 3. Real-time indoor positioning, 資產跟蹤, and temperature-humidity data monitoring of your targeted objects.

步 4. Data sent to the cloud via wireless communication and Bluetooth® data transmission for processing and managing.

Make a building and venue infrastructure smarter and more efficient to operate.

Make a building and venue infrastructure smarter and more efficient to operate.

The starter kit is designed for the quick development of your Bluetooth® and BLE wireless IoT application especially in smart venues. For everyone who has purchased Minew starter kit or BLE beacon products (協議為public嘅), TagCloud is free for demonstration and test which serves as a virtual assistant in patient movement monitoring, emergency responding, equipment management, and etc.

  • Bluetooth® LE Wi-Fi Gateway
  • Bluetooth® Personnel Tracking Tag
  • Bluetooth® Asset Tracking Tag
  • Proximity Navigation Beacon
  • 振動傳感器
  • BLE Temperature & Humidity Sensor
麥雲 2.0 用于演示和測試.

麥雲 2.0 用于演示和測試.

該平台集成了數據採集同演示功能, 網關監控, 藍牙設備管理和開源, 促進IoT設備嘅集中打理.

你可以期待Minew TagCloud嘅更多服務.

  • 免費演示和測試. (非商業用途)
  • 批量管理設備.
  • 易於啟動.
  • 免費提供嘅開放接口.
  • 實時穩定數據監控.
  • 亞馬遜AWS, Microsoft Azure, 谷歌, IBM IoT Cloud撐.

Fully-featured IoT Starter Kit - MVS delivers value in

Proximity marketing

Visitor management

Environment and asset management

Traffic analysis


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