

7700 Irvine Center Drive Irvine CA 92618, USA

服務區域 : 全球

Meet Penguinin

PenguinIN is revolutionizing the world of indoor traceability through usage of standard, off-the-shelf Bluetooth LE 5.1 hardware coupled with advanced machine learning. With focus on healthcare, PenguinIN software as service platform offers unparalleled accuracy to clients worldwide. PenguinIN product line includes:

PenNav: state-of-the-art indoor navigation with multi-lingual turn-by-turn instructions PenTrack: indoor real-time tracking solution (RTLS) with sub-meter accuracy using “standard” Bluetooth LE 5.1 hardware

Our standards-based approach resolves technology fragmentation and being locked-in to proprietary hardware that many healthcare providers had to deal with for decades when implementing indoor traceability projects.


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