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Nordic Semiconductor (hereinafter referred to as Nordic) has interviewed partners who have joined the program and reported follow-ups in Wireless Quarter, a quarterly news and technology magazine issued by Nordic. The theme of the report is about the trigger to initiate the NPP, the established program strategy and the prospective benefits and outcomes. “Building complex products that span many technologies is a difficult task. Partner programs simplify the experience by bringing multiple providers together under a common framework”, narrated by Nordic in the report. The NPP will generate a new model for the wireless connectivity industry. Partners participating in the program will have access to a broad collaborative platform to clarify and upgrade their products and services, and find characteristics they lack in other partners to make amends for their own shortcomings. The agreed partnership provides one-stop IoT solutions for enterprises and companies wishing to enter the IoT field.

As a design partner in the NPP, Minew provides complete customized IoT solutions from concepts and ideas to physical products by a group of experienced and efficient R&D staff with our own factory equipped with an advanced auto SMT workshop. Minew adds an option for partners and potential customers who lack IoT product design and production capabilities.

Why Join NPP?

For wireless product design and production manufacturers like Minew, why join this program? Or rather, why start this collaboration under a common framework? It’s a reasonable and inspiring choice concerning global, industrial, and intra-company contexts.

The era of globalization has been coming for a long time, the transnational and cross-domain collaboration being an inevitable wave. “Many hands make light work”, it is ultimately difficult for a single company to provide a comprehensive supply chain of products and services. Establishing global partnerships helps resist and respond to special regional emergencies in extraordinary times. Partnerships from different countries and regions can support the resilience of companies in the affected regions and further develop. Since the end of 2019, the pandemic has swept through the world, bringing unprecedented transformation to production and human life. The outburst has facilitated many industries to think about and establish a new and more resilient business model. Cooperation has become an important support to persevere under suffering.

The challenge within the IoT solutions also accelerated the formation of collaboration: different components and technologies need to work seamlessly for building an end-to-end IoT system. There are too many components within the IoT application, including hardware components, software applications, connectivity solutions, 安全, Cloud technologies and analytics capabilities. A more technology-oriented IoT solution is seeking a perfect match of each component, with compatibility, scalability and sustainability. It needs to collaborate to take advantage of each with limited costs.

In terms of Minew’s internal development strategy, this partnership is a necessity for technological advancement in the wireless field and strict control and technology-based innovation of self-produced products. The development of IoT is a process where technology and devices go hand in hand with each other. Minew started as a wireless device designer and manufacturer, and committed to march into the technology field a few years ago. Products if lacking stable and future-proof technology are just needlessly expendable and will bring financial losses to customers. We believe, technology can drive better device production. In order to provide our customers with better quality, more future-proof wireless products, we need the support of the best companies in the world, and this Nordic Partner Program is an unmissable opportunity for us. 未來, Minew will be able to provide more customers with wireless devices with cutting-edge technology.

Mutual benefits by collaboration

The collaboration from the NPP brings benefits to multiple parts, which includes the design partners, solution partners, and customers. The possible IoT system built by the NPP would speed up the development of the partners involved and cut down their costs while delivering better services to the customer.

For design partners like Minew, the collaboration provides technological supplements and encourages new possibilities and capabilities. The collaboration allows Minew to learn the latest IoT technologies for improving the capabilities of services and projects, and enabling Minew’s wireless devices to meet the customers’ needs. 此外, the acquisition of technologies helps improve and optimize the technical standards of product testing. As working on the AoA-based development kit, Minew is looking for further support to test the actual use of the development kit and promote advancement if necessary. Any partners in the program having the ability to test the AoA devices can come to us at any time. Minew can also adjust the development kit to fit into the current Cloud technologies via the collaboration carried forward by the NPP.

Bluetooth AoA – 10 times better accuracy than RSSI

Bluetooth AoA – 10 times better accuracy than RSSI

For software, technology developers and solution providers, the investment in device production can be transferred to the research and development of more advanced software and technology. The device production can be handed over to more professional manufacturers. The program provides more competitive providers worldwide for partners to select. The optimal allocation of capital investment can facilitate the optimization of the business model of the solution partners. When they are free from design and device production concerns, they have more energy and costs to devote to technological breakthroughs. The overall program is highly advantageous and beneficial for both the design partner and the solution partner.

Customers who need IoT solutions can benefit from a simplified, high-quality, integrated IoT solution born in a common framework. Those who are determined to join the IoT get rid of struggling to choose from every step of the way. The NPP is able to offer customers a more user-friendly, seamless connected IoT system based on customers’ actual demands.

The NPP is creating a model for multi-domain collaboration within the IoT industry. “We may see fresh thinking on business models, greater advocacy for policy changes to propel the industry, and ideas that inspire and attract the next generation of IoT talent”. Collaboration is not only about solving the enormous and complex challenges and hurdles that we may encounter today, but also about inspiring the infinite possibilities of the future with the mutual influence of our partners. In an interconnected world, where devices connect to devices, customers connect to providers, and providers connect to providers, collaboration nurtures promising outcomes.

About Wireless Quarter

Wireless Quarter is Nordic’s quarterly news and technology magazine, and intended to keep readers up-to-date on what’s happening with Bluetooth Low Energy, ANT+, IEEE嘅 802.15.4, RF proprietary wireless technology, low power Wi-Fi and low power cellular IoT.

Click on this link to read Issue 3, 2021 and learn more.

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