The Main Applications of Bluetooth® Sensor Technology

เหมืองแร่ Jun. 17. 2024

    Bluetooth sensor is a device that helps us connect to GPS and IPS (Indoor Positioning System) technology. After establishing that link, we perform tasks, such as sending data about a vehicle’s current state outdoors or indoors. These sensors require no wiring for connection as the Bluetooth technology does it on its own. With this technology, we can connect two devices for data transfer. Bluetooth sensors are used in different applications. They are easy to install, consume less energy, and ensure reliable connectivity.

    In this post, you will learn about the different applications or use cases of a Bluetooth sensor. We will also discuss the different types of Bluetooth LE sensors for a better understanding. So, let’s begin this discussion by throwing light on the different Bluetooth LE sensor types.

    Applications of Bluetooth Sensor Technology

    Bluetooth Sensor Types

    We have different types of Bluetooth LE sensors for fuel consumption control, temperature and/or humidity measurement, and incline angle detection, ฯลฯ. These sensors allow us to monitor environmental risks or conditions that may trouble during transportation and storage. Let’s take a closer look at the different Bluetooth sensor types and their functions.

    1. Fuel Sensor

    The role of a fuel sensor is to control the consumption of fuel in a vehicle. It measures a gasoline tank’s capacity, the fall and rise levels that occur while consuming or fueling. These sensors are an essential component of every vehicle.

    2. Temperature Sensor

    A temperature sensor monitors the van’s temperature when it is transporting edible goods. Edible items while transportation requires a specific temperature so that they remain fresh.

    3. Tilt Angle Sensor

    It measures the inclination or angle of the vehicle’s location. The purpose of this angle is to avert deterioration of the merchandise or to know if the vehicle has got into an accident.

    4. Pulse Sensor

    A pulse sensor helps us detect a closed or opened door in a vehicle. ดังนั้น, the driver or the passengers can quickly act on an unexpected opening or the panic button notifications. This sensor is essential for avoiding merchandise loss.
    Main Bluetooth LE Sensor Applications

    Various industries are using Bluetooth sensors in different applications.

    The most common ones include food, security, freight, and vehicle industries. Here are the main applications of a Bluetooth sensor in these industries.

    1. Food Industry

    In the food industry, Bluetooth LE sensors help us keep track of the merchandise status, and container refrigeration, ฯลฯ. It ensures loads’ integrity during merchandise transportation.

    2. Freight Transportation

    In managing fleets, Bluetooth LE sensors help us control fuel consumption in an efficient way. อีกด้วย, the real-time location provided by the sensors allows a omniscient view of the transporting process and improves fleet utilization.

    3. ความปลอดภัย

    In this scenario, Bluetooth LE sensors help us detect illicit door opening or panic buttons. With the help of security sensors, we can prevent merchandise loss and thefts.

    4. Vehicles

    Bluetooth sensors play an essential role in the vehicle or automotive industry. With these sensors, we can track the current position of vehicles or trucks. นอกจากนี้, we can also verify possible goods spillage while transporting merchandise.
    Technical Features

    BL sensors come with various technical features.

    Before you purchase Bluetooth LE sensor(s), it is essential to know all these features. It will help you to know whether or not you are buying the right Bluetooth LE sensor technology for your application. Here are the different technical features that you must know.

    1. Radio Interface

    The working of the Bluetooth LE IoT sensors and classic Bluetooth technology is the samebetween 2.400GHz to 2.4835GHz ISM band. อย่างไรก็ตาม, the BLE utilizes different channels set. BLE comes with 40 (2-MHz) channels while classic Bluetooth technology has 79 (1-MHz) channels.

    2. Discovery and Advertising

    We can find BLE sensors via technical base on transmission advertising packets. Usually, we achieve it with the help of three distinct frequencies for decreasing interference. An advertising device moves packets (at least one of these frequencies) repeatedly which is known as an advertising interval. Every single advertising interval includes a random 10 milliseconds delay that minimizes the several consecutive collision chances.

    3. Battery Impact

    The special design of a BLE sensor allows it to work in situations where power consumption is shallow. Devices with peripheral and central roles require numerous power necessities. A beacon technology company conducted a study that shows computer peripherals, like propinquity, function regularly for a couple of years utilizing a coin cell 1000mAh battery. The BLE protocol makes it possible because it is highly power efficient. BLE broadcasts small packets, so it is suitable for audio and high bandwidth data than Bluetooth classic.

    4. 2M PHY

    The Bluetooth 5.0 has a new 2x symbol rate mode of transmission. In the beginning, a low-energy Bluetooth sensor was capable of transmitting only 1bit/symbol. อย่างไรก็ตาม, บลูทูธ 5.0 can transmit data at double rates. This new mode of transmission combines the bandwidth speed to 2MHz which is double the previous one.

    5. GATT Operations

    For users, the protocol GATT is essential because it provides numerous commands about the server’s discovered information. Such commands include:

    • Finding principle services UUIDs
    • Discovering given UUIDs for services
    • Discovering subordinate services against a specific principle service
    • Finding features for different services
    • Discovering matching features for specified UUID
    • Reading signifiers for the precise distinctive

    The above-listed commands give an idea about how important the GATT protocol is.

    Bluetooth LE Sensors Functionality

    A Bluetooth LE sensor is significant and it is a low-cost device that you can install on your existing system. These sensors are a perfect choice to place in remote locations or areas where power scarcity is common. These sensors are wireless and battery-powered. The battery backup they provide depends on how often your get report values from sensors. Some BLE models can even last up to 5 ปี. นอกจากนี้, Bluetooth LE sensors provide regular BLE publicity in the application by healthcare propaganda, fitness centers, and commercial equipment.

    We can configure the publicizing data as iBeacon in the patented format. Single-board computers, gateways, or smartphones can grasp data after scanning beacons. Scanning just watches the information sent to everyone. But, it doesn’t create a link with the beacon. Further, the Bluetooth GATT connection (scanning device) establishes a connection using a few sensors. It allows the Bluetooth GATT to provide a notification about change(s) in values. อย่างไรก็ตาม, we can stop advertising through a connection.

    You can learn more about Bluetooth sensors and their types by visiting our แท็กเซ็นเซอร์ portfolio.

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