Unlock Wireless Connectivity: Cost-Effective Wi-Fi Module + Bluetooth® Solutions


Ultra-low Power Wi-Fi Modules + Bluetooth and SoCs from the Global Leader in IoT, which supports multiprotocol, RF performance, and ultra-low power consumption. The module are Wi-Fi 4/6 and Bluetooth® 5 модуль,and built around ESP32-C3/nRF7002 SoC, it’s small, high-safety & stability and has large storage space which can be widely used in smart home, бытовая электроника, wearable devices and other fields.

Come to get the WiFi modules with Bluetooth and lead your product faster enter to market.

Wi-Fi Module + Bluetooth® Key Benefits


Low Power Consumption 1

Low Power Consumption

Easy Integration 2

Easy Integration

Robost Security 3

Robost Security

Strong Support Resource 4

Strong Support & Resource

WiFi 6 certified 5

Wi-Fi 6 проверенный

Выбор продукта: View All Dual-band WiFi Modules with Bluetooth





ESP32-C3FN4 MS11SF11

Wifi Modules for IoT Applications


Equipment for pets

Equipment for pets

Medical electronics

Medical electronics

Programming for Education

Programming for Education

Smart Home

Умный дом

Wearable devices

Wearable devices

Redefining Wireless Connectivity with Cutting-Edge Wi-Fi Module for Endless Possibilities


Smart Home Automation

Wi-Fi modules enable seamless connectivity for smart home devices such as smart thermostats, security cameras, door locks, and lighting systems, allowing users to control and monitor their homes remotely.

Bluetooth Beacon Asset Management


Bluetooth Beacon Personnel Management

Healthcare and Wearable Devices


Wi-Fi modules enable wireless connectivity in healthcare applications, including remote patient monitoring, wearable health trackers, and medical equipment, allowing for seamless data transmission and analysis.


Промышленный Интернет вещей (IIoT)


Wi-Fi modules play a crucial role in connecting and collecting data from various industrial devices and sensors, facilitating real-time monitoring, профилактическое обслуживание, and automation in manufacturing, логистика, and energy sectors.

Bluetooth Beacon Optional Sensor


Bluetooth Beacon Waterproof

Умные города


Wi-Fi modules are used in various applications within smart city infrastructure, such as intelligent transportation systems, smart street lighting, управление отходами, parking management, and public Wi-Fi hotspots.


Как создается модуль?


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