Двухдиапазонный мост MNDB1 для Wiliot IoT Pixels

MNDB1 Dual Band Bridge for Wiliot IoT Pixels MNDB1 Dual Band Bridge for Wiliot IoT Pixels
Двухдиапазонный мост MNDB1 для Wiliot IoT Pixels

Wiliot bridges serve 3 operational tasks: energizing Wiliot IoT Pixels, receiving and filtering packets from Pixels, and echoing the filtered packets to gateways. The Minew Dual Band Reference Bridge runs Wiliot firmware and is optimized for Wiliot deployments. It features a Sub-1 GHz antenna for energizing Pixels and a 2.4 GHz antenna for echoing Wiliot Bluetooth packets. Use the MNDB1 in applications like asset tracking, inventory, измерение температуры, and proximity.

  • Seamless Integration with Wiliot Ecosystem
  • Tailored for Optimal Performance
  • Универсальные приложения
  • Supporting a Range of Wiliot Pixels

Как это работает

working principle
Warehouse Inventory & Asset Management

Warehouse Inventory & Asset Management

MNDB1 Bridge ensures seamless tracking of inventory items by integrating with the Wiliot ecosystem, providing uninterrupted data flow and precise location updates. Its dual-band antennas enable flawless communication and energizing of IoT Pixels, allowing for real-time monitoring of assets and reducing missing items throughout the warehouse domain.

Cold-chain Temperature Sensing

Cold-chain Temperature Sensing

MNDB1 Bridge ensures precise monitoring of temperature-sensitive goods. Кроме, the bridge’s ability to support various Wiliot Pixels allows for customized solutions, catering to different container sizes and logistics needs.

Retail Proximity Marketing

Retail Proximity Marketing

MNDB1 Bridge enhances customer engagement by accurately detecting and transmitting location-based data to deliver personalized promotions and advertisements. The bridge’s versatility in supporting different Wiliot Pixels allows for tailored marketing strategies across various retail environments, optimizing store layouts and boosting sales.

Технические характеристики

MNDB1_Standard sizes dimensions
* Для точных измерений, пожалуйста, обратитесь к физическому объекту.
Спецификация Подробности
Main Body Color Белый
Масса 7.7 oz
Власть 5 volt, 1 amp, USB C; 3.7 volt Battery
Signal Protocol Bluetooth® с низким энергопотреблением 5.2 (2.4 ГГц)
Диапазон вещания 50-100 meters to gateway
LED Indicators Blue and Red (Power and Data)
Firmware Firmware provided by Wiliot
Рабочая Температура -20~65°C
Безопасность AES-128, encryption and authentication
Installation Screw sockets, cable tie slots, ¼-20 threaded insert
Certifications WIP

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