
Imagine a scenario where your assets are always accounted for, whether they’re moving through a bustling hospital or quietly resting in a massive warehouse. Без появления Интернета вещей это могло бы быть просто далекой мечтой. (Интернет вещей) аппаратное обеспечение и беспроводное соединение Bluetooth®. Тогда как, with Minew’s revolutionary and upgraded version of MBT02 Asset Bluetooth Repeater, it is reality. This state-of-the-art device is designed to enhance asset tracking efficiency through its advanced features, making it an essential tool for various industries and diverse application scenarios. This article delves into the MBT02’s groundbreaking features, its versatile applications, and how it stands out in the market.

New Features of MBT02 Asset Bluetooth Repeater

A Leap Forward in Asset Tracking: More Intelligent Bluetooth® Scanning

The MBT02 represents a significant advancement in отслеживание активов технологии. Equipped with a low-power Bluetooth® chip, this mobile asset repeater offers reliable broadcasting and scanning capabilities. It supports two distinct scanning modes—movement-triggered and periodic scanning—each tailored to meet the specific needs of different operational environments.

Movement-triggered Scanning: Precision in Action

With the upgraded version of MBT02, one of the most distinctive and newly added features is its movement-triggered scanning mode. As its name suggests, movement-triggered scanning mode is particularly beneficial for tracking assets that infrequently change location, such as large machinery and heavy equipment commonly found in warehouses and manufacturing facilities. When the MBT02 detects movement, it promptly initiates Bluetooth® scanning. This ensures that the asset’s location is updated in real time, providing administrators with precise data on its whereabouts. This feature not only enhances tracking accuracy but also reduces the need for frequent manual checks, optimizing warehouse management and operational efficiency. When everything is moving to be sustainable and more sustainable, Minew is also committed to the UN sustainability goal and China’s 2050 carbon neutrality target by embedding more energy-efficient features in its IoT hardware from initial design to daily usage and maintenance. Other than MBT02, Minew’s MG5 Outdoor Mobile LTE Gateway also supports intelligent switching according to the engine’s power mode to save on energy consumption and usersdata plans.

Features of MBT02 Asset

Periodic Scanning: Consistent Monitoring of High-Use Assets

В Минью, people understand one size cannot fit all. With this being said, MBT02 also provides a periodic scanning mode for assets requiring frequent updates on their status and location—such as medical carts and mobile hospital beds. The MBT02 activates its scanning function at predefined intervals, continuously monitoring nearby connected Bluetooth® devices. In a hospital setting, например, this feature is invaluable. It ensures that medical equipment is consistently tracked as it moves between departments or wards. The result is a significant improvement in the management of medical assets, with enhanced visibility into usage patterns, продолжительность, и расположение. Both movement-triggered and periodic scanning modes will empower users with great flexibility. Тем временем, users don’t need to choose scanning modes manually, saving time and effort.

Как это работает: Seamless Integration and Control

The MBT02 integrates effortlessly with existing asset management systems. Once connected to the app or gateway platform, the repeater can be configured to automatically trigger scans based on the selected scanning mode. If disconnected, it will revert to its default scanning mode, ensuring uninterrupted tracking. Более того, administrators can remotely initiate scans using the Minew Tagcloud 3.0 Платформа. This feature provides real-time broadcast information, allowing users to track asset locations and statuses from anywhere. The MBT02’s lightweight design and snap button functionality facilitate easy attachment and detachment of alarms, reducing maintenance requirements and associated costs.

MBT02 how it works

Transformative Applications Across Industries

The enhanced features of MBT02, such as two Bluetooth® scanning modes extend its application to more diverse application scenarios and occasions, making it an irreplaceable part or component of IoT-driven asset tracking and management.

Asset Management in Hospitals and Healthcare

In healthcare facilities, managing medical equipment effectively is crucial for maintaining patient care standards. The hospital is one of the most complex indoor building environments and missing medical equipment may degrade healthcare service quality and speed. With those challenges in mind, people realize the benefits and values of MBT02 in terms of medical asset management. More specifically, the MBT02’s periodic scanning mode enhances asset management by providing continuous updates on the location and status of vital equipment such as tool carts, кислородные баллоны, and hospital beds. This real-time visibility is essential for optimizing equipment utilization, ensuring that assets are readily available when needed. By reducing the time spent searching for misplaced equipment, hospitals can improve their overall efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Мониторинг движения складских активов

MBT02’s movement-triggered scanning mode proves extra useful in asset tracking and smart warehouse management. When assets are moved within the warehouse, the repeater immediately detects these movements and updates their locations in real time to timely track asset locations and detect any other unlawful and unauthorized asset access. The asset movement monitoring function driven by the movement-triggered scanning mode offers tremendous benefits. Common examples are enhanced security, improved inventory management, and optimized space utilization. Warehouse managers can gain clear insights into asset movement patterns, allowing them to make data-driven decisions, replace traditional labor-intensive methods, and enhance overall operational efficiency accordingly.

MBT02 Warehouse Asset Movement Monitoring

Краткое содержание

The introduction of the MBT02 Mobile Asset Repeater marks a significant milestone in asset tracking technology. By combining advanced features such as movement-triggered and periodic scanning with seamless integration and control, Minew has set a new standard for asset management solutions.Whether used in medical facilities to manage essential equipment or in warehouses to monitor asset movement, the MBT02 delivers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. As industries continue to seek innovative ways to enhance their operational workflows, the MBT02 stands out as a leading solution that meets the demands of today’s fast-paced environments.

For more information on how the MBT02 can transform your asset management practices, visit our websites at Minew.com and Minewstore.com. Contact our sales team to schedule a demonstration.

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Предыдущий: Управление активами на основе Интернета вещей: Представляем новые функции Bluetooth-ретранслятора Minew MBT02 Asset

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