Etiqueta de ativo conectável MBT02

MBT02 Connectable Asset Tag MBT02 Connectable Asset Tag
warehouse and logistic scenarios

MBT02 Bluetooth® LE Connectable Asset Tag is a cutting-edge asset tracking tag powered by Minew’s advanced 3rd generation Bluetooth® LE firmware. With its robust bidirectional connectivity, the MBT02 executes gateway commands seamlessly, enabling remote configuration, OTA upgrades, iluminação, ringing even in batches, e mais. Ideal for armazém e logistic scenarios, it enhances the user experience and streamlines tag management.

  • Batch Management
  • Remote Configuration
  • Tamper Alarm
  • 150 eu (492 pés) Faixa de transmissão
  • 2 Anos de vida útil da bateria
  • Executing the Downlink of Gateway Commands

Como funciona

Seamless Asset Visibility, Anywhere

Seamless Asset Visibility, Anywhere

Gain real-time visibility of your assets. The MBT02 empowers remote configuration, OTA upgrades, and extends asset management capabilities to new horizons.

Advanced Security Made Simple

Advanced Security Made Simple

Protect your valuable assets with ease using the MBT02 Connectable Asset Tag which offers tamper alarms and geo-fencing capabilities, ensuring comprehensive asset security management.

Revolutionize Asset Tracking

Revolutionize Asset Tracking

The MBT02 leverages Bluetooth bidirectional connectivity for efficient remote management and enhanced user experience. Streamline the asset tracking management like never before.

Effortless Remote Tag Management

Effortless Remote Tag Management

Effortlessly manage and configure your assets remotely, optimizing efficiency and simplifying asset tracking workflows.

Soluções perfeitas para diversos cenários

Warehouse Inventory Management
Retail Asset Management
Museum & Art Gallery Security
Logistics & Supply Chain


MBT02 Connectable Asset Tag Dimensions * Para medições precisas, consulte o objeto físico.
Peso 17 g
Material do corpo abdômen
Cor Branco (Customizável)
Lasca série nRF52
Bateria Bateria da série CR, 500 mAh
Sensor Acelerômetro
OTA Suportado
Plataforma de demonstração Plataforma de controle Minew
Aplicativo Conexão nRF
Alcance de transmissão Até 150 eu / 492 pés (área aberta)
Temperatura de operação -20℃ ~ 60 ℃


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