Farol Robusto i3

i3 Rugged Industrial Beacon i3 Robust Beacon
built for enduring performance in marketing and warehousing

i3 Robust Beacon is an industrial-grade device designed for dynamic marketing outreach and armazenagem workflow enhancement. With dual iBeacon e Eddystone broadcasting, Bluetooth® LE 5.0, and IP67 waterproofing, it offers high reliability. With an extensive 200-meter range, while its durable construction ensures longevity in diverse environments.

  • IP67 à prova d'água & À prova de poeira
  • Até 6 years battery lifetime
  • Bluetooth® LE 5.0
  • O máximo. 200 metros de distância de publicidade
  • Advertise iBeacon & Eddystone simultaneously
Acompanhamento de estoque

Acompanhamento de estoque

Identification and tracking using Bluetooth® LE beacons is the optimal choice for enabling smart warehouse management systems. When it comes to inventory management, Bluetooth® LE i3 can help monitor the pallets with goods through your warehouse inventory management system as they come in and move around the facility, which allows you to make sure they’re stored where they should be to ensure the optimum logistics and supply chain management.

Real-time movement monitoring

Real-time movement monitoring

In certain scenarios, i3 provides significant benefits by being mounted to the tagged asset. Automatically track the location and movement of assets in real-time, i3 helps remote monitoring become possible.

Localização interna

Localização interna

Based on the real-time indoor location by i3, organizations can provide a better experience to their visitors or customers, likewise, customers and visitors can use it for navigation and for location-based content reception. Location-based services can bring benefits to almost any type of organization, such as museums, retail, airports, and hospitals.


Specifications-i3 Robust Beacon * Para medições precisas, consulte o objeto físico.
Accessories Double-sided adhesive/Screws
Transmission Range 200eu
Peso líquido 50g
Processor chip série nRF52
Versão Bluetooth Bluetooth® LE 5.0
Protocolo Bluetooth iBeacon
Configure App FarolSET
Operating temperature range -20~60°C
Broadcasting Interval 900ms


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