Complete mmWave Radar Solution


Our mmWave Radar module provides advanced perception capabilities for your applications, enabling higher-level object detection, distance measurement, and motion tracking functionalities.

High Precision and Reliability: Our modules utilize millimeter-wave technology, delivering accurate and reliable sensing performance in any environment.

Aplicações versáteis: mmWave radar sensor module is perfect for indoor application, including Smart Home ( Intelligent fresh air system, light adjustment, indoor energy saving (air conditioning, iluminação); Segurança & Survelliance( hotel occupancy, area (prison, nursing home, etc.) personnel detection, and People Counting & Tracking etc. Saber mais, entre em contato conosco em:


Complete mmWave Radar Solution

WIFI Featuies 1

Advanced mmWave Radar Modules for Your Applications



Assistência médica

Security Surveillance

Segurança & Surveillance

smart city

Cidade inteligente

Smart Home

Casa inteligente

Speed Classic Use Cases Development


Casa inteligente

Upgrade your smart home with our mmWave Radar module.
Experience seamless automation and personalized comfort as our advanced radar technology effortlessly detects motion, presence, and gestures, bringing intelligent control and convenience to your fingertips.

Smart Home


People Counting

Contando pessoas


Millimeter-wave radar module revolutionizes people counting with precise detection and enumeration of individuals, tracking their movements, generating dynamic heatmaps, monitoring crowd density, and identifying unoccupied spaces, offering advanced insights for efficient space management.


Human Static Presence


Experience a new level of smart presence detection.
Our advanced 60GHz mmWave Radar Module effortlessly senses human static presence, providing enhanced accuracy and reliability for a wide range of applications.

Human Static Presence


Security & Surveillance

Segurança & Surveillance


Empower your security and surveillance systems with our mmWave Radar module. Harnessing state-of-the-art radar technology, our module offers unmatched precision in detecting motion and presence, providing unrivaled protection for your property. Elevate your security to new heights.


Como o módulo é produzido?



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