블로그 카드 비콘에 대해 알아야 할 사항

카드 비콘에 대해 알아야 할 사항

광산 12월 09, 2021

What is a card beacon? How is it different from other technologies? What are its applications? Here is everything you need to know.

How a Card Beacon Can Completely Change Your Business?

card beacon is probably the smartest card that you can put into your employee’s or customer’s wallet. Your employees can use them to track or authenticate their entry and exit. 이뿐만 아니라, but your customers can also use these beacons to keep in touch with retailers and earn loyalty points. 따라서, it will not be wrong to say that they play a major role in almost every industry. Want to know more about this revolutionizing technology and how can it change your business? 그럼 계속 지켜봐주세요. You will find everything you need to know below.

C10 card beacon

What Is a Card Beacon?

A card beacon is one of the products of industrial IoT. You will be surprised to know that this card is just two millimeters thick and is of the same size as that of a standard credit card. 하지만, it is slightly thicker than a credit card and you can fit it perfectly in your wallet. These cards can be used by different classes of people such as students as their ID cards. 이 외에도, they can also use it for AI cameras and IoT gateways that are positioned at a strategic location in school and college premises.

One of the best things about these cards is that they are waterproof and powered by a battery. 이뿐만 아니라, but they have near-zero radiation which makes them completely safe for children. They work by transmitting a signal in each 100 에게 1000 milliseconds. Any IoT gateway can easily detect these signals from a distance of 200 미터.

결과적으로, the system can easily track the movement of your customers and employees and also provide a detailed picture of their activities and whereabouts. This is what makes this new technology superior to other current technologies.

card beacon

Card Beacon vs. Other Technologies

There are a lot of reasons that make the card beacon technology superior to other technologies. 예를 들어, even though GPS technology is one of the most reliable ways to keep a track of your employees and customers, you cannot totally rely upon it. That’s because it sometimes might be unable to track the employees and customers while they are still in your premises. Other than that, even though the CCTV footage can provide a detailed account of what happened, you cannot totally rely upon it to correct and pre-empt a difficult situation.

반면에, a card beacon is a lot more efficient and less expensive than these technologies. 이뿐만 아니라, but it is a lot faster as well. It needs very less space too yet still offers a higher capacity of data transmission. When you integrate it with cloud computing and mobility, it can easily offer real-time communication to business owners with the help of smartphones, analytics, and push notifications.

Some Common Applications of a Card Beacon In Business

You can utilize a card beacon in your business in many different ways. Let’s take a look at some of these applications below.

1. Events

When was the last time you saw a progressive ID identification? Gatherings depend on these basic devices to associate and oversee guests. Card beacon is a similar size as some other cards. 하지만, in contrast to some other cards, it could help directors and organizers at long last see how guests move. You can now monitor who is the place wherein you set. Utilize that data to play organizing relational arranger with participants in a space. Give your guests more choices to associate and connect with the space.

2. Retailer

Is the loyalty card of your retail shop a crumpled piece of paper? If it has the characteristic of blending into the pile just like any other paper, then there is a high chance that your customers might forget about it. Loyal customers expect a lot more from retailers nowadays. They want the retailers to offer them better options and less hassle along with more personalization. This is where card beacons can come to your assistance.

They are a prominent card which the customers can carry anywhere with them without any hassle. For this reason, different retailers are using it to upgrade their loyalty cards. 이뿐만 아니라, but the retailers are also utilizing it to offer updates and promos when the customers enter the shop.

3. Workplace

An ID card just says as much. It might have a picture or a rundown of titles, 하지만, what else would it be able to do? If representatives need to utilize identifications, they ought to be associated. A card beacon can remove human blunder and increment security via robotizing access. This wallet-prepared signal can even be utilized to follow participation.

4. Asset Tracking

No matter whether you are a warehouse manager or working on any other designation, it is extremely important to know the location of your company’s assets. 이뿐만 아니라, but you should also keep a track of how they are moving. While QR and NFC are undoubtedly a great solution for this, they need plenty of human interaction. 하지만, the working of the card beacons is extremely simple. All you need to do is put a beacon on the important assets of your business and they will automatically register. 이 외에도, you can also use real-time data to find out the exact location of your assets at any given time.

assets tracking

5. Payment

One of the most discussed employments of IoT is for robotizing installment. No compelling reason to scavenge through your wallet- – or even stand by in line. Reference points can assist speed with increasing the cycle and get clients in and out quicker.

최종 단어

In short, a card beacon is an incredibly big tech for such a small package. It not only offers solid encryption security to the businesses but also protects your business against all threats. 그래서, what are you waiting for? Get the card beacons ready for your business from us now!

이전: Bluetooth®는 어떻게 작동합니까? 5.0 Beacon은 수천 대의 자동차 중에서 단 한 대의 자동차를 찾아내는 데 도움을 줍니다.?

다음: 실내 측위용 비콘 버튼