Cutting-Edge Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Module Delivers High Security and Low Power Consumption


MS01SF1 is an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) transceiver and Bluetooth low energy 5.2 module integrated with the latest Decawave DW3120 SoC for indoor positioning and the advanced Nordic Semiconductor nRF52833 SoC as the central processor with an acceleration sensor. It meets the requirements of industrial intelligence, production safety, warehousing and logistics, 스마트 도시, and public procuratorate and law divisions. The nRF52833 supports 23 IO ports that can be configured as UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, and other interfaces, simplifying development for customers.

Get high-quality Ultra-wideband module for high-precision indoor location now!


주요 특징들: 블루투스 저에너지 5.2 + UWB Combo Module


UWB Featuies

제품 선택: View Our Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Module



초광대역 (UWB) Module for IoT Applications


Asset Tracking 2

자산 추적



Factory Automation

Factory Automation

Indoor Positioning System

실내 포지셔닝 시스템

Smart City


Empower Your Wireless Connectivity’s Future: Embrace our UWB Module Today!


실내 포지셔닝 시스템

UWB for Indoor Positioning System offers centimeter-level accuracy, multipath resilience, real-time tracking, 낮은 대기 시간, and scalability, making it ideal for precise and efficient positioning in complex indoor environments across various industries.

Bluetooth Beacon Asset Management


Bluetooth Beacon Personnel Management

Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS)


UWB modules are commonly used in RTLS for tracking assets, 장비, and personnel in indoor environments like warehouses, factories, 병원, and construction sites. UWB’s high accuracy and resistance to multipath interference make it suitable for precise positioning.


자산 추적


UWB modules are employed to track and manage valuable assets, such as high-value goods, 도구, and inventory, ensuring their location is known in real-time, enhancing logistics and inventory management efficiency.

Bluetooth Beacon Optional Sensor


Bluetooth Beacon Waterproof

액세스 제어


By leveraging the capabilities of UWB modules, access control systems can provide a higher level of security, user convenience, and adaptability to the evolving needs of modern access control solutions.


Factory Automation


UWB modules in Factory Automation enable real-time asset tracking, worker safety, and precise indoor navigation. They optimize processes, improve quality control, and support autonomous guided vehicles. UWB ensures tool precision, monitors machinery condition, and enables accurate time synchronization. This technology enhances efficiency, 안전, and control in smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 initiatives.

Bluetooth Beacon Optional Sensor


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