Minew Unveils the MWC03 Bluetooth LTE Location Badge

심천, 중국 - [23 팔월 2024] – 광산, IoT 장치 혁신의 글로벌 리더, 최신 혁신 제품의 출시를 발표하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다., 그만큼 MWC03 Bluetooth® LTE Location Badge. 광범위한 실외 및 실내 환경에서 정확한 위치 추적이 필요한 산업의 증가하는 요구를 충족하도록 설계되었습니다., the MWC03 Badge is set to revolutionize personnel management and operational efficiency.

Addressing the Evolving Needs of Modern Industries

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses across various sectors—from logistics and manufacturing to healthcare and retail—are increasingly relying on real-time data to enhance decision-making and improve operational outcomes. The need for accurate, reliable, and scalable location-tracking solutions has never been more critical. The MWC03 Bluetooth® LTE Location Badge is engineered to address these challenges head-on, offering a state-of-the-art solution that combines GNSS and Bluetooth positioning with real-time data uploads via cellular networks with a user-friendly design. “Modern industries face unprecedented challenges when it comes to managing their staff safety and resources efficiently,” said Wendy, product manager at Minew. “The MWC03 Location Badge is our response to these challenges, providing a versatile and robust both indoor and outdoor solution that businesses can rely on.”

Innovative Features and Benefits

The MWC03 Badge is packed with features that make it stand out in the market, ensuring that it meets the diverse needs of businesses across different sectors. Here are some of the key features and benefits:

1. GNSS and Bluetooth Positioning for Comprehensive Coverage

The MWC03 BLE LTE Location Badge integrates both GNSS and Bluetooth technologies, offering a robust solution for comprehensive location tracking. GPS (지구항법위성시스템) provides precise positioning in wide-open outdoor areas, Bluetooth는 복잡한 실내 환경에서도 정확한 추적을 보장합니다.. 이 듀얼 모드 접근 방식을 통해 실내와 실외 위치 간의 원활한 전환이 가능합니다., 환경에 관계없이 안정적이고 지속적인 위치 데이터 제공.


2. Intelligent BLE and GNSS Positioning System Switching

Designed for dynamic operational landscapes, the MWC03 Badge automatically switches between BLE and GNSS positioning based on signal availability and strength. This intelligent transition guarantees consistent and precise location tracking, 실내든 실외든, by utilizing the most reliable signal in any given environment. This feature ensures uninterrupted coverage and accurate positioning across various settings, making it an ideal solution for environments where both indoor and outdoor tracking is essential.

Intelligent BLE and GNSS Positioning System Switching

3. Real-Time Data Upload via Cellular Networks

The MWC03 Badge enables real-time data upload through cellular networks, eliminating the need for complex gateway deployments. 이 기능은 설정 프로세스를 단순화합니다., 인프라 비용 절감, 어느 위치에서나 위치 데이터에 즉시 액세스할 수 있도록 보장합니다.. It provides a hassle-free and efficient solution for real-time monitoring and management, allowing organizations to maintain continuous oversight of their personnel and assets.

Real-Time Data Upload via Cellular Networks

4. High-Precision External Standalone GNSS Module

MWC03에는 독립형 GNSS 모듈이 있습니다., 내장된 GNSS 기능에 비해 상당한 이점을 제공합니다.. 이 고급 모듈은 더 높은 위치 정확도를 제공합니다., 대기 시간 감소, 더 빠른 시작 시간, 귀하의 위치 데이터가 더욱 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있도록 보장합니다.. 까다로운 환경이든 빠른 움직임이든, 외부 모듈은 전반적인 성능을 향상시킵니다., 최고 수준의 포지셔닝 정확성과 반응성을 요구하는 애플리케이션에 탁월한 선택입니다..

5. Advanced BLE Filtering Algorithm

Equipped with a sophisticated BLE (블루투스 저에너지) filtering algorithm, the MWC03 Badge enhances location accuracy by minimizing interference from surrounding signals. 이 기술은 노이즈와 관련 없는 데이터를 지능적으로 필터링합니다., resulting in more precise positioning in environments with multiple Bluetooth devices. This capability is particularly beneficial in dense or complex spaces like industrial plants or multi-story buildings, where accuracy is paramount.

6. RFID Access Control

The MWC03 Badge integrates RFID/NFC functionality, offering a secure and efficient solution for managing access control and attendance. 직원은 배지를 사용하여 제한 구역에 입장할 수 있습니다., 감사 및 보안 목적으로 각 액세스 이벤트가 자동으로 기록됩니다.. 이 기능은 출석 관리도 지원합니다., 조직이 직원의 존재와 시간 관리를 원활하게 추적할 수 있도록 합니다..

7. 배치 관리

The MWC03 Badge simplifies large-scale operations with its batch management feature, enabling administrators to configure and manage multiple devices simultaneously. 이는 다양한 부서나 위치에 수많은 배지를 배포하고 유지해야 하는 조직에 특히 유용합니다.. 일괄 관리로 개별 장치 설정에 필요한 시간과 노력이 줄어듭니다., 모든 장치에서 일관된 구성 및 기능 보장. It is ideal for large enterprises prioritizing efficiency and consistency in their device management processes.

Batch Management

8. Multi-Functional Buttons

The MWC03 Badge is equipped with three configurable buttons that can be tailored to specific functions, such as sending emergency alerts, 지정된 장소에서 체크인, 또는 할당된 작업을 완료하는 중. The flexibility of these buttons allows organizations to customize the device according to their specific operational needs, 배지의 전반적인 활용도 향상. 이 기능은 광범위한 애플리케이션을 지원합니다., 위험한 환경에서의 안전 관리부터 일상적인 작업에서의 접근 통제까지.


9. Easy Magnetic Charging

The MWC03 Badge offers fast magnetic charging, 최소한의 노력으로 빠르고 안전한 전원 공급을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다.. This feature not only enhances convenience but also improves waterproofing by protecting connection points from external exposure. 추가적으로, 자주 연결하고 뽑을 필요가 없으므로 마모가 최소화됩니다., 이를 통해 장치의 수명을 연장합니다..


1. 교육 출석 추적

The MWC03 Badge streamlines the attendance tracking process in educational institutions, saving time and reducing administrative burden by automating check-ins. This feature ensures accurate attendance records and enhances the overall efficiency of attendance management.

2. 의료 부문의 직원 도움말 버튼

의료 환경에서, the MWC03 Badge improves response times by providing staff with a quick and reliable way to request assistance. The configurable buttons can be set to alert other team members or trigger emergency protocols, ensuring that help is always just a button press away.

3. 제조업 근로자 안전

Ensuring worker safety is a top priority in manufacturing environments. The MWC03 Badge enables real-time location tracking of personnel, allowing for swift responses to emergencies. By knowing the exact location of workers at all times, managers can quickly address safety concerns and enhance overall workplace safety.

4. 작업 공간의 방문자 추적

Understanding visitor density and movement is crucial for managing spaces and maintaining security in workspaces. The MWC03 Badge allows organizations to monitor the location and flow of visitors, ensuring that security protocols are followed and that spaces are used efficiently.

5. 작업 공간의 직원 근태 관리

The MWC03 Badge simplifies staff attendance management by automating the tracking process. With real-time updates, organizations can ensure accurate attendance records and streamline payroll processes, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing operational efficiency.


The launch of the MWC03 Bluetooth® LTE Location Badge marks a significant milestone for Minew and the industries it serves. By offering a solution that combines cutting-edge technology, energy efficiency, durability, and versatility, Minew is empowering businesses to enhance their operations, improve safety, and achieve greater efficiency. The MWC03 Badge is more than just a tracking device—it’s a comprehensive solution designed to meet the needs of today’s dynamic industries.

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이전: Minew, MWC03 Bluetooth LTE 위치 배지 공개: 원활한 실내 및 실외를 위한 혁신적인 솔루션

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