블로그 최고의 Bluetooth® 모듈 공급업체는 어떻게 셀룰러로 거듭났나 -LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS 모듈 공급업체?

최고의 Bluetooth® 모듈 공급업체는 어떻게 셀룰러로 거듭났나 -LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS 모듈 공급업체?

광산 5월 08, 2019

Minew is one of the best Bluetooth module supplier around the world and why they came to produce cellular-LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS IoT module currently?

첫째로, Minew would like to introduce naRF9160 module briefly.


—-Newest module- integrated LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS

Unique nRF9160 series cellular IoT module have been rolling out by Nordic to all customers and makes cellular IoT accessible to any application. It must to mentioned that Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160 module integrates LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS functions.

—-Strength for nRF9160 modules -LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS.

It all can be achieved by nRF9160. With significantly smaller, lowest power, and has more security features, nRF9160 is competitive than other cellular-LTE-M/NB-IoT/GPS IoT module.

또한, Minew is glad to inform that nRF9160 has pass GCF certification. This is certification issued by Global Certification Forum and certification programme for mobile and IoT device ensure quality, connectivity and interoperability, whatever the technology (Globalcertificationforum, 2019).
In the meantime, the size of nRF9160 is 10 x 16 x 1mm; it can dramatically minimize the size of the end product. By using the state-of-the-art Arm TrustZone and Arm CryptoCell security from Arm, nRF9160 has 1MB flash memory and 256 KB RAM (Qorvo, 2018).

—-nRF9160 can be provided by Minew

Since that nRF9160 is the smallest, lowest power consumption, and more security module around the world, nRF9160 can be provided by minew.
게다가, Minew is also one of the worldwide leading module manufacturers, we can provide ODM service for the person needed.

If you are interested in the best cellular IoT module and can’t wait to have some module to test? feel free to Click:

Minew will provide a unique service for you.

1.Globalcertificationforum.org. (2019). The Global Certification Forum. [online]
Available at:
https://www.globalcertificationforum.org/about.html [Accessed 5 5월 2019].
2.Qorvo.com. (2018). Nordic Semiconductor rolls out its unique nRF91 Series cellular IoT module to all customers and makes cellular IoT accessible to any applicationQorvo. [online]
Available at:
https://www.qorvo.com/newsroom/news/2018/nordic-semiconductor-rolls-out-its-unique-nrf91-series-cellular-iot-module [Accessed 5 5월 2019].

이전: nrf52840과 nrf52832 사이에 적합한 Nordic 칩셋을 선택하는 방법?–답은 거기에 있어!

다음: 소매 업계에서 전자 선반 라벨의 증가