IoT 스타터 키트

솔루션에 IoT 스타터 키트를 사용하는 방법이 궁금하신가요?? 창고용, 추운 방, 병원, 사무실이나 장소! 높은 초기 투자를 피하면서 다양한 IoT 애플리케이션 시나리오의 프로토타입을 제작하는 가장 빠르고 쉬운 방법이 될 것입니다.. 지금 구매를 클릭하세요. IoT 시작하기.

Application Scenarios

Application Scenarios - Comprehensive Bluetooth Sensors By Top Manufacturers & Designers | 광산

Minew’s Bluetooth Sensor support multiple application scenarios

Real-time Temperature & Humidity Monitoring

With the built-in temperature and humidity sensor, Minew's sensor tags help monitor the temperature and humidity of the environment in which the device is located or the items it attached. With up to IP66 waterproof, the sensor tag (such as S1) can accurately detect real-time temperature even in wet environment. Minew's S1 sensor provides up to 2048 data storage and enables data visibility for monitoring and inspection by its e-paper display. The abnormal alarm can be set to well preserve the tagged asset, allowing timely response to unexpected situations, avoiding the asset damage or invalidation caused by the beyond-range temperature and humility.

Real-time Temperature & Humidity Monitoring

Smart Security Management

The window/door magnetic sensor contributes to the home automation. After being connected to the configurable App, the sensor tag helps in real-time and remote monitoring of the openning and closing of doors and windows to safeguard assets security and personnel safety. By using the tag at home, any unauthorized and unex break-in will alert users through alarm notifications. 비슷하게, deploying the sensor tag on special scenarios, such as food coolers in supermarkets, assists administrators in receiving timely information if being opened for a long time. Then the administrator can close the cooler' door which left open by customers, reducing the risk of assets damage and saving energy.

Smart Security Management

Sensitive Movement Detection

With a highly sensitive acceleration sensor, real-time and accurate monitoring of the movement of the target asset is easy to access. Especially for scenarios where the movement status and trajectory of items need to be closely monitored, Minew's sensor tags with the acceleration sensor provide data uploading to the Cloud platform, helping administrators complete remotely monitoring and motion analysis.

Sensitive Movement Detection

Ambient Light Sensing

With the built-in light sensor, Minew' S2 sensor tag can sense the ambient light. Combined with actual use cases and further software development, asset tracking and management can be implemented in museums, warehouses and other scenarios. In addition to the sensing ability, Minew's sensor tags also provide accurate locating, further accelerate your smart IoT applications.

Ambient Light Sensing


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