Minnew パートナー プログラムへようこそ!

IoT業界に長年深く関わってきた, ミニューはパートナーシップがいかに強力なものになるかを身を持って学びました. Minew パートナー プログラムは、より多くの価値を提供し、貴社と貴社のエンド ユーザーに大きな成長をもたらす戦略です。.

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Minnew パートナー プログラムはリソースの結節点です, 人々, 必要なものすべてを提供し、最終顧客に成功するサービスを提供するためにアイデアが集約されています。. 私たちのプログラムはシンプルな信念に基づいて構築されています: 一緒に, 私たちにはたくさんのことができます.


" パートナーシップへの取り組み: 私たちは明確な使命を持つことに重点を置いています,
継続的な革新, このモノのインターネットのデジタル世界にパートナーが現れるようサポートする.
顧客が勝てば, そうすればミニューが勝つ, そして私たちはその価値を毎日生きることができます. なんてクールなんだろう! "

— ジョンソン

GM, 共同 - 創設者

ジョンソンGM, 共同 - 創設者

5 あなたがMinewと提携する理由

Minew パートナーシップがもたらす基本的な価値は成長です, シームレスな統合を実現しながら, 業界の市場開拓と共同イノベーションの加速.

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    Extend sales footprint & Broaden your reach

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  • What are the types of collaborations?

    There are various types of business collaborations. Here are some common types:

    End-to-End Solution Partner: Provides comprehensive IoT solutions that cover the entire process or workflow, offering integrated services and Bluetooth beacons to meet all customer needs.

    Platform Partner: Offers foundational platforms on which other applications, tools, or services can be built, enabling businesses to develop their own IoT solutions.

    Software Partner: Specializes in developing software applications that integrate with or complement existing IoT products or services, providing specialized software solutions.

    System Integration Partner: Focuses on integrating different systems and technologies to ensure they work together seamlessly, providing a cohesive IoT solution.

  • Who can join the Partner Program?

    Any business that meets our eligibility criteria can apply to join the Partner Program. Typically, our partners include Bluetooth beacon developer, IoT solution integrator, system integrator, service providers, and technology integrators.

  • What are the benefits of joining the Partner Program?

    Partners can enjoy a range of benefits including:

    • Marketing and sales support
    • Sales & software royalty
    • New Product Development
    • Co-marketing opportunities
    • Exclusive discounts and incentives
    • Priority of order processing, priority delivery, もっと
  • What kind of sales support do partners receive?

    Partners have access to sales tools, product demos, and a dedicated account manager who can assist with sales strategies and customer services.

  • What marketing resources are available to partners?

    We provide co-branded marketing materials and access to marketing activities to support joint marketing initiatives.

  • How do I apply to become a partner?

    You can apply by filling out the application form below. Once submitted, our team will get back to you as soon as possible.



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