Sanità intelligente

Connected for Your Health

Minew's Smart Hospital Solution for Smarter Care

Smart Hospital powered by IoT technology is at the forefront of this transformation. Minew is driving the healthcare industry forward with a suite of cutting-edge products designed to enhance patient care, optimize operational efficiency, and ensure a safer, more comfortable environment. This transformative approach is enhancing operational efficiency. Concentrato sulla precisione, disponibilità, e assistenza centrata sul paziente, Gli ospedali intelligenti stanno rivoluzionando il settore sanitario offrendo una perfetta integrazione tra tecnologia all’avanguardia e interazione umana.

Applicazioni tipiche

  • Real-time Patient Management

    Continuous managing of vital alerts and patient location for immediate intervention.

  • Asset Tracking and Management

    Efficiently tracking and managing medical equipment.

  • Patient Safety

    An SOS button for a swift call for help can assist patients in emergency situations such as falls and something unexpected happens.

  • Monitoraggio ambientale

    Monitoring and controlling temperature and humidity for a better living environment.

  • Wayfinding

    Simplifying patient and visitor navigation, saving time and improving satisfaction.

  • Visitor Flow Monitoring

    Visitor counting and keeping a record of visitor flow, monitoring and recording the data.


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