Etichetta BLE monouso i6

i6 Bluetooth® LE Asset Tag i6 Disposable BLE Tag
i6 Disposable Tag in museums and exhibitions

i6 Disposable BLE Tag is a Bluetooth® LE disposable asset tag that costs only $1 for bulk orders and is designed for asset management. It has a long broadcast distance of up to 328 piedi, making it suitable for use in museums and exhibitions. Oltretutto, it is slim and compact and can be flexibly stuck to assets using the packaged dual-sided tape.

  • Conveniente
  • Real-time location
  • 3.5 mm ultra-thin design
  • 328 ft broadcast distance
  • Batteria sostituibile
  • Easy installation

Come funziona

i6 Disposable beacon Tag Support AWS-Azure-Google-lBM Cloud
Longer lasting than other disposable gadgets

Longer lasting than other disposable gadgets

People often think of disposable objects that are thrown away once used. Tuttavia, i6 and T3 break the deadlock with their relatively extended lives of 4 months and 3 months respectively.

An asset guardian

An asset guardian

i6 is lightweight and portable, easy to attach to assets and doesn't bother visitors. Leveraging Bluetooth positioning technology and a long broadcast distance, it's ideal for asset management.

Soluzioni continue per diversi scenari

Other indoor venues


i6 Disposable Tag Specification * Per misurazioni precise, si prega di fare riferimento all'oggetto fisico.
Colore Bianco
Peso 4.3 g(batteria inclusa)
Battery type 1 Batteria CR
Capacità della batteria 90 mAh
Durata della batteria 4 mesi (default settings)
Information View App BeaconSET or BeaconSET+
Versione Bluetooth Bluetooth® LE 4.0 / 4.2
Distanza di trasmissione 100 M / 328 piedi (area aperta)
Temperatura di lavoro -20℃ ~ 60 ℃


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