For all of us, 2022 has been a year of achievement. We certainly lived up to the expectations set for us when we were designated one of the top IoT businesses to watch in 2022. The year 2022 was eventful, and the following are some of the key accomplishments and our expectations for 2023.
2022 in review

Some of Our Highlights in 2022

Listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange

Nuove tecnologie (stock ticker: 872374) was officially listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange on November 29. On the occasion of Minew’s historic listing, representatives from all organizations were present for the celebration.

With the successful IPO, Minew’s new chapter got underway. The Minew team will seize the opportunities and challenges of the future, and keep in mind our responsibilities to clients, partner, and our community.


Make Minew Partner Program a Reality

To fulfill everything requested and provide exceptional service for both partners and Minew, we have developed a junction of resources, persone, and ideas. This collaborative ecosystem is based on the idea that by cooperating together, we can accomplish so much. Six partners, Navigine, Ops, Wirepas, Prokobi, Penguin, Shoppermotion, have joined since its founding and are committed to delivering superior value and spurring considerable growth for end customers.

>>>Learn more about Minew Partner Program

Minew partner program

Get a Complete Picture of Minew via Live Event, Webinar, and New Releases

For 2022 Minew New Products in Review, we conducted a live stream for customers to better understand our breakthroughs among smart products, and received many accolades from a worldwide audience.

Some amazing moments were captured for 10 revolutionary products and 4 Kit di avvio IoT In 2022, Compreso :

2 location beaconsMBM01 Ultra-long Range Beacon, MBM02 Segnalatore di posizione di prossimità;

1 road stud beaconMBM03 Segnalatore stradale robusto;

1 etichetta di risorsaMBT01 Etichetta asset antimanomissione;

1 people location tagMWC01 Badge Bluetooth ricaricabile;

2 sensoriSensore di vibrazioni MSV01, Sensore a infrarossi passivi MSP01;

2 Gateway IoTMini gateway USB MG3, Gateway ricaricabile intelligente MG4;

1 Find My compatible tagF6 Ricerca intelligente;

4 Kit di avvio IoT ideal for smart warehouses, assistenza sanitaria, uffici, and venues.

YouTube LIVE

Inoltre, Navigine and Minew brought you to a joint webinarIndoor Positioning and Asset Tracking for Warehouses, in which the pressing questions about asset tracking solutions for warehouses were addressed, as well as new joint solutions were introduced.

webinar cover

Minew Team Has Grown Rapidly and Significantly

Ovviamente, our journey in 2022 didn’t end there. Our goal is to provide our incredible clientele with a variety of products and expert services, and new team members have joined us in this endeavor. We are lucky to have a strong, highly trained staff to guide us towards further successful product development and increase our market share as we move into 2023.

business team

We Are Moving towards a Flourishing 2023!

2023 will undoubtedly be a challenging year in every way since the Chinese government announced the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions at the end of 2022. There will be additional potential for development as the market becomes more complex, especially in the IoT sector. To assure growth, businesses will need to adapt, diversify, and reduce expenses. Inoltre, consumers want reputable businesses with sturdy foundations, competitive pricing, and proven franchisees. The IoT area will benefit from the more precise and adaptable development and implementation of Minew.

Minew Forum for open discussionMinew will maintain a strong tie to each aspect while building a forum for free discussion in IoT fields. A collection of cutting-edge things, interesting topics, and useful experience will be revealed soon.

More unfolding surprisesFuture products from Minew will be more intelligent and innovative as they emerge. With our efforts in 2022, we can see that there is still a lot of space for development in 2023, especially with more efforts and innovations in new fields.


Prossimo: Minew e InPlay collaborano per lanciare un gioco rivoluzionario $1 Prodotti con tag Bluetooth® LE, Rivoluzionare l’industria dell’IoT
Prec: Minew lancia un nuovo gateway ricaricabile: Fornire servizi di rete durante le interruzioni di corrente.

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