Our efforts in obtaining IC certification prove our commitment to providing superior prodotti.

Imbued with the desire for a more connected world, We hope to make our high-quality products certified by official recognition from more countries and regions.

And today, we are honored and excited to announce that our module MS46SF1 based on Bluetooth 5.0 has successfully granted the Industry Canada (CIRCUITO INTEGRATO) certification, which is a wireless certification approval for all devices sold within Canada.

minew module MS46SF1 Get Canada (IC) certification

Apart from the FCC, CE, RoHS certifications, the added IC certification further helps to ensure that potential customers believe in the quality of our products. Our efforts in obtaining IC certification prove our commitment to providing superior prodotti. In futuro, our modules that comply with Canadian standards will become one of the legally compliant choices for Canadian customers.

The powerful performances of Minew MS46SF1 ensure to receive the certificate:

● Bluetooth Low Energy
● Cost Effective with Two-layer PCB Design
● Compact Size with 128-bit AES
● Nordic nRF52805 SoC ARM Cortex-M4 Processor

Ma ancora più importante, Minew modules, con highly integrated feature and Compatibilità, can be applied to different IoT and high-tech scenarios. Take a look at some examples:

● Casa intelligente
● Building Automation
● Medical Devices

Other applications such as sensor network, telecomando, computer peripherals and I/O devices, eccetera., you could consult our professional team for details.

We are committed to providing our great products and services to more countries and regions.

Minew is looking forward to build a win-win cooperation with you. Any question please feel free to leave your comments below.

Editore: Shelia
Recensore: Rosa, Eddie, Stephen

Prossimo: Minew's Award per gli Stati Uniti. Brevetto su Gateway
Prec: Qual è la differenza tra un modulo Bluetooth® classico e un modulo Bluetooth® a basso consumo energetico?

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