Bluetooth 6.0 Channel Sounding

Come l'Internet delle cose (quantità) continua ad evolversi, La tecnologia Bluetooth è pronta per un altro importante aggiornamento. Bluetooth 6.0, l'ultima versione dello standard Bluetooth, è all’orizzonte e promette progressi significativi nella connettività, consapevolezza della distanza, e trasmissione dati. Miniere, un orgoglioso membro del Bluetooth SIG (Gruppo di interesse speciale), is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of Bluetooth technology and delivering cutting-edge IoT hardware solutions across industries. Staying true to this commitment, Minew is already advancing its work on Bluetooth 6.0.

The latest advancement in Bluetooth 6.0, Suono canale Bluetooth, brings true distance awareness to BLE devices, including BLE beacons, “Find My” trackers, digital key solutions, e altro ancora. Compared to Bluetooth 5.1 AoA (Angolo di arrivo) posizionamento interno, Bluetooth Channel Sounding offers more precise positioning by allowing devices to measure distances of up to about 150 meters with high accuracy. This greatly improves applications like indoor navigation, monitoraggio delle risorse, and proximity services, areas where Minew has specialized.

Beyond distance awareness, Bluetooth 6.0 also prioritizes security. By combining PBR (Gamma basata sulle fasi) e RTT (Tempo di andata e ritorno) measurement methods, Bluetooth Channel Sounding strengthens the protection of wireless communications. Inoltre, Bluetooth 6.0 offers improved data transmission rates and efficiency through advancements like ISOAL enhancement and frame space updates. For more in-depth details on Bluetooth 6.0 and its potential impact on various industries, read our comprehensive blog post on Bluetooth 6.0 Suono del canale.

Minew has laid out some projects to research and develop Bluetooth 6.0 dispositivi. Stay tuned for exciting announcements as we bring the future of Bluetooth closer to reality.

Prec: Minew ha annunciato il sensore di temperatura industriale ultra-bassa MST01 Pt100

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