Internet of things gateway, as a new term, will play a very important role in the future Internet of things era, it will become a link between the perception network and the traditional communication network. As a gateway device, Internet of things gateway can realize the protocol transformation between perceptive network, communication network and different types of perceptive network. It can realize wide area interconnection. It can also realize local interconnection. In addition, the Internet of things gateway also needs to have device management function. Through the Internet of things gateway, operators can manage the underlying perception nodes, understand the relevant information of each node, and realize remote control.

internet of things gateway

Extensive access capability
There are many technical standards for NFC, and only common WSNs technologies include Lonworks, ZigBee, 6LowPAN, RUBEE, वगैरह. Each kind of technology mainly for a certain application, the lack of compatibility and system planning. Standardization work on Internet of things gateway has been carried out at home and abroad, such as 3GPP and sensor working group, to realize interconnection of various communication technology standards.

Strong management skills are essential for any large network. First of all, the gateway should be managed, such as registration management, authority management, state supervision and so on. The gateway implements the management of the nodes in the subnet, such as obtaining the identity, status, properties, energy, वगैरह. of the nodes, as well as remote realization of awakening, control, diagnosis, upgrade, and maintenance. Because the technical standard of subnet is different, the complexity of protocol is different, so the gateway has different management ability. It is proposed to manage different sensing networks and applications based on the modular Internet of things gateway to ensure unified management of terminal network nodes by using unified management interface technology.

Protocol conversion capability
Protocol conversion from different perceptual networks to access networks, unified encapsulation of the data in the lower standard format, and guaranteed that the protocols of different perceptual networks could become unified data and signaling; The packets sent from the upper layer are parsed into signals and control instructions that can be recognized by the sensory-layer protocol.

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