Kit de démarrage d'entrepôt

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Highly recommended for smart warehouse.Minew IoT Starter Kit MWS is aimed at providing you with a cost-effective and reliable solution for warehouses and cold storage, including everything you need for asset management, cargo tracking, entrepôt personnel positioning, and environmental sensing and monitoring.

How to build your smart warehouse solutions in 10 minutes? It's as simple as that!

Étape 1. One-time installation & activation of your IoT Starter Kit MWS.
Étape 2. Minew tags attached to the objects or personnel.
Étape 3. Real-time tracking & sensor data monitoring of your targeted objects.
Étape 4. Données envoyées vers le cloud pour traitement et gestion.
Best All-in-one IoT Starter Kit - MWS

Best All-in-one IoT Starter Kit - MWS

This starter kit is prepared for quick development of your wireless IoT application specially for warehouse and coldroom. Pour tous ceux qui ont acheté un kit de démarrage Minew ou des produits Beacon (ceux avec protocole public), TagCloud is free for demonstration and test which is a virtual assistant in asset management, stockage de données, analyse, etc..

  • Bluetooth® LE & Wi-Fi / PoE Gateway
  • Temperature & Humidity Sensor
  • Positioning Wearable Card
  • Étiquette d'actif
  • Pallet Beacon
Nuage de tags 2.0 pour la démonstration et les tests.

Nuage de tags 2.0 pour la démonstration et les tests.

La plateforme intègre les fonctions de collecte de données et de démonstration, surveillance de la passerelle, Gestion des appareils Bluetooth et open source, faciliter la gestion centralisée des appareils IoT.

Vous pouvez attendre plus de Minew TagCloud.

  • Gratuit pour démonstration et test. (Usage non commercial)
  • Gestion des appareils par lots.
  • Facile à démarrer et accessible.
  • Interface ouverte disponible gratuitement.
  • Surveillance stable des données en temps réel.
  • AmazonAWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, IBM IoT Cloud pris en charge.

Highly Recommended for Smart Warehouse.

Due to increasing demand in logistics and growing concern about costs, productivity, sécurité, and managing complexity, it is difficult for businesses to operate and scale at a healthy rate without any IoT implementation.

Our ready-to-deploy starter kit can transform your business into a virtually monitored network wirelessly with little effort and limited budgets. It is the ultimate solution that can guarantee superior warehouse management leading to prosperous business growth.

Fully-Featured IoT Starter Kit - MWS delivers value in

Inventory management

Gestion du personnel

Environmental monitoring

Warehouse management


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