The general debate of the 76th session of United Nations General Assembly #UNGA was held in New York On September 21st. Xi Jinping, China’s top leader, delivered an important speech on building a better world together with confidence and overcoming development difficulties. Xi proposed a global development initiative, emphasizing joining hands to address threats and challenges and promoting the building of a community of common destiny.

Last year, leaders attended the UNGA 75th and pledged to build a common future for present and future generations by cooperating to fight the pandemic and address challenges, and achieve the carbon neutrality goal by 2060. In the past year, the unprecedented international changes and the global pandemic have aggravated difficulties in development. Peace, justice, and win-win cooperation are more desired by people of all countries.

At present, the pandemic is still raging on the planet and profoundly transforming the human lifestyle. The world has entered a new period of turbulent change which requires every responsible politician to address the challenges of the times and make critical choices with confidence, courage, and commitment.

Power outages in north-east China have halted production at numerous factories

Comme vous l'avez peut-être remarqué, Northeastern China is experiencing power cuts because of coal shortages and the tightening of emissions standards. The power outages in China will further delay the supply of raw materials but lead to bring higher quality products. China has led the way in resuming manufacturing after a quick response, and the power outage is to relieve China’s manufacturing industry and reorganize manufacturing industries to provide quality products. But the raw materials supply will be slow down for a while. And what’s more, China has vowed to cut energy intensity to meet its climate goals.

China aims for ‘carbon neutrality by 2060

Global Climate change: China aims for ‘carbon neutrality by 2060’

As one of the world’s major powers, how does China achieve the carbon neutrality goal in the upcoming domestic and international development? Xi remarked in a national conference that China will actively cope with climate change, and build an ecosystem of human beings and nature. China’s carbon neutrality plan will start with accelerating green and low-carbon transformation.In the speech on the UNGA 76th, China also commits to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. To accelerate the implementation of this initiative, China will mainly take the following points as the vane for the coming development.

  • Carry on a new and systematic development concept to achieve ecological, low-carbon, and high-quality transformation.
  • Advocate simple and moderate, and low-carbon lifestyle as putting the conservation of energy resources in the first place while developing.
  • Leverage supportive policies to innovate science and technology, and institution, establish international cooperation by coordinating the domestic and international resources.
  • Prevent and control pollution and carbon emission while emphasizing energy security, supply chain security, food security, and human safe.
  • Optimize energy use and enable renewable alternative energy, reform and build a new power system with new energy as the mainstay.
  • The industrial sector needs to promote green manufacturing, the construction sector to raise energy-saving standards, the transportation sector to accelerate green and low-carbon transport.
  • Innovate low-carbon technology and establish a service platform for assessment, trading, and innovation.
  • Enact and implement low-carbon policies and systems such as thedual control of energy consumptionpolicy (control of energy consumption intensity and total ).
  • Advocate green life and prevent waste. Use public transportation to reduce vehicle emissions.
  • To enhance the ecological carbon sequestration capacity.
  • Collaborate internationally in addressing climate change and the formulation of rules and standards on carbon neutrality. And build a green and mutually beneficial Silk Road.

In the speech, Xi stressed that the international community should respect each other and cooperate for a win-win outcome. Xi also indicated that China will not build any new coal power projects abroad. This statement is regarded as an important move on global emissions as China being the largest emitter of greenhouse gases and relying heavily on coal for its domestic energy needs. Cependant, there are still about 40GW of new coal-fired power projects at various stages in 20 different countries supported by China. It needs to wait and see what specific measures will be taken in the following days.

What actions will Minew take in the energy transition of manufacturing? Everyone can make a difference.

The “dual control of energy consumption” policy has had a certain impact on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies. En outre, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of “2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Managementin September. This autumn and winter (from October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022), the production capacity in some industries may be further restricted.

As a professional Fabricant d'appareils IoT et service provider, Minew has already adopted prospective measures to confront the possible predicament. It involves the raw material acquisition, fabrication, energy use, and daily operations. Minew commits to realizing carbon neutrality with a focus on technological innovation and human well-being. Aiming to maximize the benefits for the company, customers, pays, and the world, and respond to the development of a green world.

Energy transition in manufacturing weights the present pressure on materials supply but accelerates the carbon neutrality in the long term.

China’s manufacturers including Minew react to the international call for carbon neutrality by using new and green energy, which will take a while and result in a supply shortage. Minew will focus on the development and utilization of new energy power and control the power output of existing factories. There will be a certain amount of capacity reduction in the early stages of green production, which may prolong future deliveries. No worries about the orders that have already been fulfilled, Minew will still make subsequent deliveries according to the agreed time and quantity.

It is unavoidable that energy transition will require higher standards of manufacturing, and increase the costs of raw materials and factory operation. Minew sincerely apologizes for the possible price increase. We will inform you in advance if it happens.

Reduction in energy using.Minew will also make reasonable changes of energy use in the production processes and the office. Even though this will slow down the production process, Minew will continue to provide high-quality services and share the latest product innovations for our customers and partners.

The future world will certainly be green. It is inevitable for energy-saving and emission reduction, especially for those who want to be competitive and future-proof. Minew always takes the fundamental interests of all mankind as the core and basis of development, committing to achieve the vision of making the IoT benefits all humankind. Realizing carbon neutrality will affect the economic loss, but we still believe that we will get more by practicing the sustainable strategy of promoting the healthy and green development of the community of common destiny. Actions speak louder than words, and Minew is already on its way.

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