Minew today announces the launch of Minew Partner Program, building an ecosystem of partners that generate more qualified leads with partners. Throughout more than 15 years of deep plowing into IoT industries striving from an explorer to one of the leading players, Minew has profoundly learned what powerful partnerships can achieve.

In that regard, we have been laying a great deal of emphasis on developing a platform that bridges both parties in branding, marketing, sales, new product development, y más, resulting in the Minew Partner Program. Partnerships help open up any potential joint business opportunity for both parties, accelerating the growth of the company for more effective and cost-effective customer solutions.

Minew Partner Program, which is currently in development and expects to recruit 20 partners worldwide, serves as a nexus of resources, gente, and ideas that work together to generate strong synergy and deliver powerful results.

Minew Partner Program is divided into the following categories including solution partners, platform partners, software and system integration partners to meet partners of different business types.

“Our commitment to our partners: we focus on having a well-defined mission, innovación continua, and supporting partners to emerge in the IoT world. As long as the customer is happy, we are happy, and we always strive to bring the best to our customers. Nothing is cooler than a smile from our customer.” says Minew Co-founder Johnson.

partner program

Reach New Markets and Segments

We create what is aligned with both companiesstrategy and business goals, and we’re absorbed in what motivates and engages partners to deliver more value for end users. Exploring alongside the road to development, both of us are bridged to mutual benefits.

Not only does Minew Partner Program provide immense support in marketing, sales, software loyalty, but extends to new product development, and some priorities, etc.. For more detailed info, please reach your sales rep.

Limited Seats. Seize Yours

Persistent focus and elaborate operation are what we have always carried from concept to practice. To be able to better serve our partners and refine and customize cooperation strategies and other services, solo 20 partners from all over the world will be invited to Minew partner program.

During the pilot project phase of Minew Partner Program, four leading IoT companies were already on board.


Navigine es un proveedor global de tecnologías de posicionamiento integradas que permiten soluciones avanzadas de proximidad y navegación en interiores con más de 3000 Instalaciones de clientes en todo el mundo y más. 150 aplicaciones web y móviles públicas. La plataforma de software Navigine incluye 2 principales productos tecnológicos:

✔ SDK móvil para integrar navegación interior, Funciones de marketing y análisis en cualquier aplicación..

✔ Sistema de software para una rápida implementación del seguimiento de activos y vehículos dentro de grandes edificios.

Estos productos se utilizan para crear aplicaciones en múltiples industrias.: Cuidado de la salud, Transporte, Minorista, Fabricación, etc..


Prokobi LLC is an end-to-end Internet of Things solutions provider based in the United States of California. Prokobi provides advanced and innovative IoT solutions with low-power wireless devices for various industries. In addition to ready-to-use package solutions, it provides tailor-made solutions specific to your business.


Quuppa is a leading provider of Real-Time Locating Systems (RTL) para posicionamiento en interiores. La conectividad ahora está en todas partes, sin embargo, necesitamos más que conectividad para que las cosas sean “inteligentes”. Sólo enriqueciendo los datos y la conectividad con la ubicación nuestro mundo se volverá verdaderamente inteligente.

Quuppa enables your business to achieve more with RTLS for indoor positioning & tracking across varied industries; fabricación & logística, cuidado de la salud, edificios inteligentes, minorista, y más.


Wirepas is changing the face of IoT. Para establecer un nuevo estándar. To skip the nonsense. Para obtener una conectividad infinitamente escalable. Respetuoso con tu billetera y mucho mejor que el celular 5G. En una red que nunca falla. Sin intermediarios ni infraestructuras. Totalmente autogestionable. Diseñado para aplicaciones comerciales e industriales. Más de lo que necesitas. Por menos. Wirepas gives you very very good IoT.

Minew Partner Program Applications Are Open!

The partner program is now officially released and open to all companies. Get in touch with Minew sales reps to start scaling faster and enhance revenue with Minew partner program.

Próximo: ¿Qué tipo de kit de inicio de IoT hace que un lugar sea inteligente??
Anterior: Kit de inicio de IoT – MOS transforma su lugar de trabajo en una oficina inteligente

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