
Leverage sensors to make informed business & marketing decisions

The Path to Smarter Spaces Starts with People Counting

Businesses and organizations are seeking innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and customer experiences. Minew offers Smart People Counting solutions that are revolutionizing the way we understand and interact with physical spaces, providing real-time, accurate, and comprehensive analysis of people flow, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions that optimize operations, improve security, and ultimately elevate the customer experience.

Typische Anwendungen

  • Retail Traffic Analysis

    Retail Traffic Analysis

    People counting in retail stores helps analyze traffic trends, optimizing staffing and inventory management.

  • Museums & Galleries

    Museums & Galleries

    People counting helps visitor experiences by monitoring exhibit popularity and visitor flow.

  • Event Venues

    Event Venues

    Manage event attendance, monitor crowd density, and enhance logistics.

  • Waiting Rooms

    Waiting Rooms

    Such as in healthcare settings, the people counting sensor ensures efficient patient flow management, reducing wait times and enhancing patient experience.

  • Smart Space

    Smart Space

    Monitor occupancy, enabling energy-saving and workspace utilization optimization.

  • Shopping Malls

    Shopping Malls

    Flow monitoring at mall entrances to analyze peak shopping times, helping stores plan promotions and staffing accordingly.

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