مستشعر تسرب المياه اللاسلكي MSL01

Detect. Alert. Protect.

MSL01 Wireless Water-Leak Sensor MSL01 Wireless Water-Leak Sensor
real-time water leak detection

MSL01 Wireless Water-Leak Sensor is ideal for proactive real-time water leak detection. Engineered with an IP67 waterproof probe and a 150 م (492 قدم) broadcast range, it delivers reliable and cost-effective monitoring in critical environments. Detect and mitigate water-related risks promptly, safeguarding your assets and maintaining operational continuity.

  • Supports Bluetooth® LE 5.0
  • Sound alarm
  • App notification
  • IP67 waterproof probe
  • 5-year battery life
  • 150 م (492 قدم) broadcast range

كيف تعمل

Water Leak Detection Process
Wireless water leak monitoring

Wireless water leak monitoring

The MSL01 offers seamless wireless water leak detection in industrial environments. With its advanced technology, durable build, and long-range coverage, protect your assets with confidence.

Water leak alarm

Water leak alarm

The MSL01 features the water-leak alarm designed for diverse application use. Its robust construction and instant buzzer notifications ensure proactive measures against water damage and operational disruptions.

Uninterrupted sensing

Uninterrupted sensing

Experience uninterrupted sensing with the sensor's long-lasting battery life. With up to 5 years of power, it ensures continuous operation without frequent battery replacements.

Effortless installation and deployment

Effortless installation and deployment

Making installation and deployment easier is crucial to streamlining operational processes. The MSL01 offers easy setup, quick implementation, and hassle-free integration into your existing infrastructure.

 شعار ذلك!

شعار ذلك!

Customizable logo for brand identity. Showcase your brand identity with the sensor’s customizable logo feature. Personalize the device with your logo, reinforcing your brand presence.

حلول سلسة لسيناريوهات متنوعة

الرعاىة الصحية


مستشعر تسرب المياه اللاسلكي MSL01 * للحصول على قياسات دقيقة, يرجى الرجوع إلى الكائن المادي.
وزن 17 ز
مادة الجسم عضلات المعدة
لون أبيض (قابل للتخصيص)
رقاقة سلسلة nRF52
بطارية 2pcs AAA alkaline batteries, 1,300 ماه
المستشعر مقياس التسارع
عبر الهواء أيد
منصة مظاهرة منصة التحكم في مينيو
طلب اتصال nRF
نطاق البث يصل إلى 150 م / 492 قدم (منطقة مفتوحة)
درجة حرارة التشغيل -20درجه مئوية ~ 60 درجه مئوية

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